CHIP’s Community Chest Fund

Part of CHIC’s commitment to social value is to donate money to CHIP to deliver its Community Chest Fund, to support individuals and groups with projects and initiatives that have a direct, positive impact on the people and communities in which CHIC’s members operate.
The money allocated to the Fund will enable local groups of residents and community stakeholders to secure meaningful improvements to community wellbeing and to create social value. There are no specific criteria required for the projects that we will fund, as long as there is a clear vision the project which will benefit communities, through having a positive impact, in improving the lives of people within them.
Any project or initiative can apply for support from the fund. However, applications are restricted to groups or organisations that are known to (and ideally have an existing relationship with) one or more Social Housing Provider that is a member of CHIC.
The maximum amount that can be applied for, for a single project is £5,000. If you have a project you think might benefit from support, further guidance and application details can be found on CHIP’s website
You can apply at any time. If you have any questions regarding the fund, please contact Emma Macaulay, Social Value Manager –

Published in: CHIC CHAT
