Wave 2 Funding

According to the government, the first wave of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund will upgrade the energy efficiency of roughly 20,000 social homes that are currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C rating.

The funding will also support around 9,000 jobs in the green energy sector and deliver carbon emissions savings equivalent to taking up to 6,000 cars off the road in any given year.

The SHDF Wave 1 competition is closed, and the successful projects are expected to complete by the end of March 2023.

A second wave of the fund, which housing associations will be able to bid for directly, is due to be launched this financial year and the government has committed a further £800 million across 3 years for the SHDF.

Decarbonising the 4.4 million social housing homes across England is going to be no easy feat and there are many barriers to overcome such as fuel poverty, rising energy prices and a lack of knowledge in the sector.

So, now social landlords will have further support from the Government to support their decarbonisation programmes, where should the monies be spent and how do we ensure the necessary skillsets are in place to deliver on these targets?

John Fisher, CHIC’s Chief Executive said

“CHIC is committed to working with our members and to collaborate with other consortia, to support the decarbonisation of social housing in England and Wales, and to make homes more affordable for residents. We are proud to be a founding sponsor of Unlock Net Zero.”

As a consortium, we can not only provide the procurement solutions to enable our members to carry out their retrofitting requirements, but we have a knowledgeable team with asset management expertise to help support throughout the entire process.


Unlock Net Zero Webinar

Funding guidance workshop for Wave 2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

12.05.22 | 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM GMT

As founding partner of the Unlock Net Zero Hub, to get a deeper understanding on what the Wave 2 funding means, we would like to invite you to attend this webinar.

This workshop will equip you to understand the steps to make your retrofit project SHDF wave 2 ready and successful.  Understand how to access the BEIS funded programme of support available to all Registered Providers of Social Housing, the Social Housing Retrofit Accelerator (SHRA) to be ‘bid-ready’.

CHIC’s Chief Operating Officer Luke Hurd will be chairing the event, facilitating the debate, with an informed conversation from a group of experienced speakers from every corner of the UK.


Published in: CHIC CHAT May Edition
