Updates from CHIC


Update from CHIC Board’s Quarterly Meeting


CHIC’s Board represents all CHIC members, to ensure the consortium delivers both the services members want and to the standard they can expect. The Board consists of up to 11 directors, at least 8 of whom must be member representatives. The Board is chaired by an independent director, selected by the Board.

The Board meets quarterly and reviews progress against CHIC’s business strategy, as well as monitoring operational performance delivered through its Agency Services Contract with ARK Consultancy.

This article summarises the issues reviewed by the Board on behalf of all members.

Governance Issues

David Wells, a member representative from Wrekin Housing Trust (Executive Director of Operational Services) has served since 2017 as Deputy Chair. Due to his own work pressures David stood down as Deputy Chair although he will stay on the Board as a member representative director. The Board thanked David for all his work in the Deputy Chair role, acknowledging his immense contribution during the growth and development of CHIC.

The Board appointed Ian Davies, a member representative from EMH (Group Director of Property) as the new Deputy Chair with immediate effect.

The Board has one current vacancy and another will occur when the longest serving Board member, Mak Akinyemi, must stand down at the end of the year having completed 3 terms of 3 years on the Board. Accordingly, the CHIC Board had invited applications for two vacancies.

Five applications had been received and the Board agreed that the Chair and Deputy Chair would review these applications and meet with the applicants. They will then compare the strengths of each candidate to the current skills matrix for the Board and determine who best to propose be appointed to fill the director vacancies. Appointments will be reviewed and ratified at the Boards next quarterly meeting in December.

Annual Accounts and External Audit

The Board reviewed and approved the Annual Accounts and Director’s Report for the financial year 2023/24 (CHIC’s year runs from 1st July to 30th June). The Board was pleased to note that CHIC had had another successful year. Although it is a not for profit consortium, it has continued to strengthen its reserves commensurate with the scale of turnover growth.

The Board reviewed the Annual Audit Report from UHY Hacker Young, which was positively received.

Annual Performance Reports

Under the formal contract with ARK, the Board has a duty, on behalf of members, to review performance on an annual basis. This is against targets in CHIC’s business strategy, specific performance targets for the Agent and assurance around company secretarial responsibilities. The Board was pleased to note that all targets had been met or exceeded.

An annual report for publication for CHIC for 2023 was reviewed and approved. An annual social value report for CHIC and its associated charity, CHIP, was also reviewed and approved. Reports will be made available both electronically and in hard copy to all CHIC stakeholders (access included in this issue of CHIC CHAT).

Business Operations

CHIC’s risk register was reviewed in detail. This sets out the dozen key risks that affect CHIC’s activities and how these are mitigated. In order to ensure that business risks are adequately scrutinised the Board agreed to establish an Audit and Risk Committee. The terms of reference and membership for this will be considered at the next meeting.

The Board then reviewed CHIC’s forward programme of work and risk factors applied to different types of projects in business plan forecasting. Some changes were agreed to ensure that financial forecasting for the consortium’s own business plan is properly informed and accurate.

Acknowledging that CHIC is still growing, the Board reviewed a business case from the Agent to increase the team dedicated to CHIC’s service delivery. Some new posts were agreed for appointment over the next few months. In addition, further roles were considered in principle which may be required if expected growth continues.

Other Issues Reviewed

ARK had sponsored an MBA student to undertake an objective competitor analysis for CHIC, in relation to other consortia operating in the housing sector. The Board reviewed the outcomes and conclusions, which were positive in terms of CHIC’s market position.

Next Meeting

The Board meets again in December and a further update will follow in the January CHIC CHAT.

CHIC Annual Team Awayday 2024

On the 15th and 16th of October, the CHIC team came together for our annual awayday, where we focused on key discussions and activities to strengthen our services for members. We reviewed CHIC’s Commercial Business Model, reviewed our current 5-Year Business Strategy (2021–2026) and examined our Procurement Process, including updates prompted by the new Procurement Act.

We also took the opportunity to explore what changes the Board might consider for the next business strategy, to ensure it continues to meet our members' needs for cost efficiency and added value. The team then enjoyed some team building events, to ensure that the whole team is aligned to deliver the best possible service for our members.

New starter to the data team

We welcome Rahul Rahul as our new Data Coordinator. In this role, Rahul will support CHIC’s Business Intelligence Manager in administering catalogue management, materials ordering and reporting processes through the COMS system, while also serving as the first point of contact for CHIC members and suppliers.

JCT Contracts Training with Trowers

CHIC and Trowers & Hamlins came together to host a training session which covered the intricacies of using JCT Contracts for CHIC members.

Over 200 CHIC stakeholders joined Katie Saunders from Trowers & Hamlins who provided a comprehensive overview of the JCT contracts, including best practices for their application. She delved into the amendments and changes introduced in the 2024 suite of contracts, highlighting those most appropriate to social housing.

Following this, CHIC’s Commercial Coordinator, Kieran Waud-Shaw, discussed when the contract changes will come into effect through CHIC frameworks and how they will be applied.

You can find a recording of the webinar here.

If you would like any more information about JCT Contracts, a bespoke training package tailored to your needs or know more about the webinars that CHIC run, please contact enquiries@chicltd.co.uk

Warm Homes: SHF Wave 3 Opportunities for Social Landlords

Stephen Sharman, CHIC’s Director of Member Services is delighted to join the panel of speakers for the Livgreen Webinar on SHF funding. This informative webinar taking place on Friday 8th November is tailored specifically for social housing landlords focusing on the Warm Homes: SHF initiative. This session will explore the application processes, offering a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you effectively navigate the system.

The panel will share key lessons learned from previous applicants, emphasising best practices and common challenges faced by social housing providers. Learn how recent changes in the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP 10) and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings can impact your properties’ eligibility and funding access.

Register Here

Published in: CHIC CHAT
