Part of CHIC’s social value offering is ensuring the activities and fantastic work that is procured through all of CHIC’s contracts have a direct impact on the individuals and communities in which CHIC’s members operate. CHIC wants to support Rose Hill, founder of Co-Creative Connection. Rose is an award-winning artist, who has created murals and works of art all over the world. Her passion however has always been to use her talent to improve her local community. Out of this passion Co-Creative Connection was born, which produces amazing spaces by working with local people to co-design and paint public art. This brings about social cohesion and new skills to the individuals who work on the projects. Individuals can be facing a range of barriers, such as being affected by poverty and unemployment, making it difficult for them to lead happy and fulfilled lives. Rose has already worked with some of CHIC’s members, such as The Guinness Partnership, Lewisham Homes and London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. CHIC is therefore calling out to all suppliers and members to get involved in the positive work Rose and her team are doing: Suppliers – to fund local projects, which can be a great way of achieving your social value commitments. Members – to identify areas within your communities where works of art would spruce things up; and residents who would benefit from being involved in projects such as this. Any organisations who wish to be involved in working with Rose can contact CHIC’s Social Value Manager, Emma, who will support the setting up of an artistic relationship! Emma