CHIC Webinars

Instead of our 2020 conference, CHIC is replacing the workshop and conference sessions with webinars.

During September and October, CHIC will be hosting a series of webinars to deliver the content we would have otherwise been presenting at our conference. The sessions will be free to attend and focused on the latest developments, innovations, and best practice from the affordable housing sector. We will welcome the same panel of experts for each webinar, which you can join for free from your home or workplace. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and take away key transferable knowledge for your organisation.

CHIC will carry on with regular webinars / seminars once these special conference sessions are completed. So, to help us plan for the future, let us know what subject you would like covered through our webinar topics survey. We want to ensure that we are hosting webinars which will bring the most value to our members, that is why we want to know your thoughts. It will take no longer than 2 minutes to fill out and we will greatly appreciate your feedback.

Let us know which of the conference webinars you want to attend.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
