CHIC Webinars 

CHIC has now delivered 3 successful webinars out of our current series of 8.


Over the past few weeks, we have been hosting webinar sessions to replace our annual conference this year. Over 150 people have joined us to learn about what compliance and building safety means post covid-19, how as a sector we can contribute to meeting out zero carbon targets and how both landlords and contractors have reacted to the latest fire safety legislations.
“Great content” “Great Speakers” “A lot slicker than some webinars I have attended”

Join us next week where we will be hosting the final week of CHIC Webinars!
Please use the links below to register your place.
Building Safer Homes
So finally, government has published its draft Building Safety Bill. Find out what it really means for the housing and construction sectors.
19th October 2020 – 10:00am
Factory Built New Homes
CHIC launched its drive to embrace MMC in 2016. There has since been lots of noise about offsite construction. Find out what has happened and how CHIC’s new offer will increase future housing supply.
19th October 2020 – 14:00pm
Homes and Communities
Do you provide great homes, or great homes in great places? This webinar will discuss the balance between being a good landlord and one that supports strong communities.
21st October 2020 – 14:00pm
Best Route to Market
Frameworks, Contracts or Dynamic Purchasing? Which route to market is going to give your organisation the best value for money and drive efficiencies. This webinar will consider the options that works best for you.
23rd October 2020 – 10:00am
Keynote Panel Discussion
To replace the main session at CHIC’s 2020 conference, we have a high-profile panel of speakers who will give their views on the current big issues for the sector. Chaired by the BBC’s Mark Easton, expect a thought-provoking webinar to make sure your organisation is looking at the right things in 2021.
23rd October 2020 – 14:00pm

Published in: CHIC CHAT
