What's Happening at CHIC?

CHIC delivers a wide range of PCR 2015 compliant procurement solutions, through frameworks, contracts and a dynamic purchasing system. But we also provide on-going support to our members and the supply chain, to ensure that all work together to drive efficiencies from aggregation of demand and through effective collaboration.

Never has it been more important to get the housing sector to work together through effective collaboration. The ‘net zero’ target for 2050 might still seem quite distant, but is this now within the normal 30-year investment planning cycle for a social housing landlord.

What we know is that more investment is needed – estimated by Inside Housing for the UK at £104bn – over and above the CHIC estimate for routine planned investment of c. £200m, so more than a 50% increase. This needs more capacity in manufacturing, in construction and in merchants and distribution; these are all the supply chain partners that CHIC works with on behalf of our members.

Quite what each landlord needs to do to their homes and how much they will need to invest will only emerge over the next few years, as their own investment plus net zero asset management strategies are developed and refined. But we already know they will all include:

  • Improvements to the insulation of their homes (FABRIC FIRST)
  • Investment in new heating systems and renewable technologies (M&E work)
  • Significant regeneration – for those homes that are unpopular and that cannot be cost effectively improved.

All of these will need more of the skills and increased capacity from CHIC’s existing supply chain partners, as well as investment and engagement in ongoing research and development. There is a lot we still don’t know, so only by working together can we develop the right solutions and keep these focused and efficient.

So, CHIC sees its role as a Founding Partner of UNZ as an important focus for our members. By collaborating with like-minded organisations across the housing and construction sectors, we can together unlock what ‘Net Zero’ really means. In turn, CHIC can engage its wide cohort of members and contractor, consultant, supplier and manufacturer partners in the efficient delivery of a whole new chapter of investment in our members homes, making warmth more affordable for residents and reducing carbon. We look forward to effective ‘Carbon Collaboration’ in this critical space.

If you would like to find out more, please contact ccoulson@chicltd.co.uk



International Women’s Day

Last week we saw International Women’s Day, a global acknowledgement of the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. We are extremely proud to acknowledge the extraordinary achievements of the women at CHIC including our longest standing Head of Member Services, Victoria Speakman, newly appointed Head of Development for BuildSmart, Sarah Davey and recent addition to the Member Services Team Lesley Dixon, all of whom are supported by Allison Price, another long-standing member of the team.

CHIC’s independent chair, Maggie Punyer, leads from the front and has just been appointed to do so for a second term of three years. She is strongly supported by the board which includes Jayne Bissell, Procurement Manager at Connexus, and another independent board member, Sarah Payling from Ocean Media.


Creating Apprentices through CHIC

CHIC is also pleased to be sponsoring two new female apprentices recently employed by Starting Point Recruitment in Walsall as Employment Advisors. This is an important role in preparing people for work through a Government funded scheme to support those who have been made unemployed by COVID.

Our successful graduates will help build confidence and employability knowledge. As part of a wider team, they will be working and delivering sessions on a daily basis. The scheme is designed to support 3,000 individuals in finding employment.

Fred Bentley, the Social Value Manager for CHIC said “CHIC is very proud of the Social Value exercise accompanying the main contract delivery. Currently focus is on creating full time training opportunities through local employment groups mainly at Apprenticeship level. We specialise in those candidates who are furthest from the workplace through long term unemployment, disability, age, gender or ex-offenders. In the examples quoted our Apprentices are delivering employment support to many whose employment prospects have been adversely affected by COVID.” 

If you would like to know more, please contact CHIC’s Community Initiatives Manager Fred Bentley fbentley@arkconsultancy.co.uk



Sponsors of The Retrofit Challenge

Earlier this month, CHIC sponsored The Retrofit Challenge Virtual Summit, delivered by Ocean Media Group. This was the launch of a partnership to really explore the UK’s climate challenge within the housing sector. The event proved very popular with over 450 attendees from the housing sector.

CHIC has become a Founding Partner for the Unlock Net Zero Hub, which has now been formed to underpin the sectors work on what Carbon Zero really means and how it will be achieved.

CHIC has flexible solutions for retrofit requirements and fully support it’s members to deliver decarbonisation works, through its frameworks & Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

CHIC’s Managing Director, John Fisher, also spoke at the Data will talk to you if you are willing to listen webinar on Day 2 of the event, which prompted thought provoking and valuable discussion. You can see a recording of the session here: https://wcc.on24.com/webcast/previewlobby?e=3049706&k=03FA77EFE5CC82FFDBF6F9CB7AFB227A



CHIC Conference & Exhibition 2021

Bookings are officially open for our 10th (in person) annual conference & exhibition, taking place on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at Sixways Stadium, Worcester. With the recent Government announcements regarding lifting the majority of social restrictions in June, we are confident that our free to attend annual event will be able to go ahead in the later part of this year.


Book Now: https://www.chicltd.co.uk/event/chic-conference-exhibition-21


Why attending the CHIC conference is a great use of your time:

  • Attend a range of topical workshops, which discuss current sector issues
  • Share your own ideas, thoughts and opinions with other CHIC members
  • Network with consultants, contractors and suppliers from CHIC’s supply chain at our all day exhibition
  • Meet with the CHIC team and find out about the savings available through our PCR compliant contracts, frameworks and DPS

We will be releasing the full programme in the near future so be sure to keep an eye on our website at www.chicltd.co.uk and please book your place now.


Register Your Place


Published in: CHIC CHAT
