CHIC Webinars

Our series of CHIC Webinars provides our members and supply chain partners the opportunity to gain access to free content directly relevant to the housing and construction sectors. The popularity of our 2020 series is continuing in 2021. The next of these is:


COVID 19 – Lessons learnt and contingency planning

Monday 26th April 2021– 10:00am

The pandemic has prompted fundamental reviews of how organisations operate, and the housing sector has been at the forefront of this. There have been many changes introduced as a result and this webinar will look at which are here to stay and what more needs to be done.

Our speakers will discuss what they have implemented within their own organisations, the trials and tribulations they have experienced so far and what important steps they are taking over the coming years to ensure they are prepared for the inevitable changes coming our way.

To register your place, please click HERE

If you have any queries or would like to contribute to one of our webinars, please contact


Published in: CHIC CHAT
