What's Happening at CHIC?

CHIC Order Management System (COMS)
We are delighted to announce the initial launch of our new system to help our members manage their supply chain – the CHIC Order Management System (COMS). COMS is an online, browser-based ordering solution that features programme and catalogue management for members, as well as a platform to make and receive orders for contractors and suppliers.
COMS was developed in tandem with representatives from our supply chain, contractor base and membership in order for us to promote a system that simplifies communication at all stages of order management.
For our contractor partners, this means the ability to order on the go, with COMS providing a clean, intuitive user interface that works on mobile phone and tablet devices as well as desktop computers and laptops. For our suppliers, every order they receive is trackable from start to finish, along with a built-in process to handle query management and returns. For our members, this means the ability to monitor and approve orders, catalogues, and programmes in one system, as well as to receive simplified, consolidated invoices.
We are currently trialling COMS along with one CHIC member, managing their programme of planned works for 2021/22. We are then looking to develop COMS further by adding reporting functionality as well as online systems integration, to allow data to flow efficiently, reducing the need for manual input.
If you would like to know more about COMS or would like to see a demonstration, please contact Martin Radbourne mradbourne@chictld.co.uk
Proposed change of name CHIC
CHIC as a brand is now well known and understood by our many members and supply chain partners. The acronym stands for Central Housing and Investment Consortium Ltd. When CHIC was created, some 11 years ago, the name reflected the locations and the activities of the 7 founding housing associations, which were all midlands based.
Since then, CHIC has progressively grown and now comprises over 120 members, working across the UK. As the diversity of CHIC’s products and services has developed, so has the activity base of our membership. Members and users of our services now include organisations in other sectors.
CHIC’s board has considered how the registered name may better reflect CHIC’s current membership, without losing the strengths and benefits of the existing CHIC brand.
The board has therefore agreed it would be sensible to adopt a new name ‘Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited’, which reflects the wider geographical and operational activities of our much increased membership.
At a meeting of the board of directors held on 31st March, it was agreed to recommend the change of name to all members. Such a change requires the formal approval of CHIC’s membership and the board will then therefore be arranging a special general meeting to consider and approve the proposed change. We will be writing to all members formally during April, setting out the proposed name change and explaining how voting will operate.
Subject to member approval, CHIC proposes to then change its registered name.
Changes to the CHIC Team
There have been some changes to the CHIC team this month:
After 5 years Joseph Scurr has decided to move on. He started with CHIC as a graduate and has progressed as CHIC has grown to his current role of Supply Chain Manager. We are sorry to see him leave and wish him well in his new job. He will be leaving on 7th May and will be fully operational until his departure.
We are pleased to be welcoming two new members to the CHIC team:
Alexandra Dumitrache – Data Analyst
Alexandra has an extensive background in analytics and joins us from his role as a Data Analyst at nPower Business Solutions. He joins the team on Monday 26th April.
Mike Harris – CHIC Account Manager (Supply Chain)
Mike Harris has a background in supply chain management in a variety of sectors. We welcome him to the team from the beginning of May.
These two additions will allow CHIC’s operational team to meet the requirements for our expanding services and growing membership.
Achieving Net Zero in Housing
In the last edition of CHIC CHAT, we announced CHIC’s involvement as a Founding Partner in the Unlock Net Zero Hub, a knowledge centre helping the transition to a carbon net zero future for housing.
CHIC sees its role as an important focus for our members, by collaborating with like-minded organisations across the housing and construction sectors, we can together unlock what ‘Net Zero’ really means.
Our latest publication to the hub focuses on Delivering the Skills for Net Zero. We discuss how it is the biggest challenge that the sector has ever faced and how it won’t happen without a level of collaboration that recognises the scale of the task.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
