News From the Sector

Regulator of Social Housing Updates

There have been some interesting finds reported by RSH over the past month…


Corporate plan 2021-2024

The Corporate plan published by the Regulator of Social Housing outlines how they plan on delivering their purpose over the next three years, reviewing the plan annually to ensure it takes account of any relevant significant changes in the external operating environment.

RSH state “There will be significant change over the period, for example, as a result of changes in government policy, arising from the Charter for social housing residents: Social Housing White Paper, and the response to the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry, which all inform the further development of our role and our priorities over the coming years.”

The plan outlines many key fundamental and strategic objectives, including implementing reforms outlined in the Social Housing White Paper and increasing the supply of housing and affordable housing, ensuring that existing homes are safe and of a decent standard.

Read the full report 


Social Housing Sector – Finances in Good Health

The Regulator of Social Housing has also published the results of its latest quarterly survey of registered providers’ financial health, covering the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021.

It is great to be reporting that the sector has remained financially healthy over the last financial year, despite the pressures caused by the pandemic. This included £15 billion of new finance agreed in the year, the highest sum ever recorded.

Capitalised repairs and maintenance spending increased substantially for the second quarter in a row to £580 million. Despite the ongoing delays due to lockdown restrictions, outturn spend has been recovering towards levels seen before the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Read the full report 


Reinvestment in social housing is at highest level

English housing associations’ reinvestment in existing and new social housing is at its highest ever level, according to the RSH Value for Money report, despite a decline in overall operating surplus.

The publication which recorded results ending 31 March 2020 found that reinvestment (as a proportion of asset values) increased 15.7 per cent at the median level, reaching 7.2 per cent.

Read the full report 

Published in: CHIC CHAT
