What's Happening at CHIC?

CHIC’s Annual Board Awayday

CHIC’s Board and staff team met for our annual business strategy ‘awayday’ at the end of May, in advance of the new financial year, which for CHIC starts on 1st July.

This year our objective was to reset the focus of CHIC for the next 5 years and work this up into a new business plan. CHIC’s current 5 year business plan period is to complete shortly, so we wanted to look at what we do and how we can continue to add value to Members over the next 5 years (2021-2026).

With the current coronavirus restrictions, the awayday was held virtually for the first time and worked very effectively. It allowed for really focussed discussions within a range of workshop groups.

In all we had eight workshop groups which were assigned a specific topic that the CHIC Board and team agreed needed to be reviewed, to ensure that CHIC remains focused on delivering great value for all of our members.

CHIC’s Board member perspective remains key to ensuring that CHIC delivers a range of services and products that reflect member needs and expectation.

Some of the headlines for the workshops for the new business plan are set out below:

Members Agreement | CHIC discussed how we can develop a more focused, streamlined Members Agreement to make it easier for new members to join and for the Board to manage the business on behalf of members

Operating Systems | CHIC discussed how we will ensure that our operating systems can be developed to support the expected growth over the next 5 years

Services & Products | Alongside the continual expansion of our products, CHIC considered how our current service structure can be improved to better promote what we offer and to help Members find what they want

Social Value | CHIC considered what our offer should look like going forward and how we might do more to deliver added value

Business Plan Priorities | We reviewed key objectives and targets to focus the business strategy to 2026

Marketing Strategy & Resources | CHIC considered how our current communications and marketing strategy should adapt to changing requirements

Zero Carbon | The growing requirement for an effective decarbonisation offer was reviewed in the context of our wider service offer

Having now agreed the key objectives to be addressed over the next 5 years, the Board will review a more detailed Business Strategy at the September meeting.

This will add strength to some significant changes over the past few months. This includes changing the full name of CHIC to Communities and Housing Investment Consortium, the implementation of our Dynamic Purchasing System and the development of our CHIC Ordering Management System (COMS).


CHIC Operational Team

There have also been some changes in CHIC’s operational team. Last month, we said goodbye to Marius Marisca (Procurement Manager) and Joseph Scurr (Supply Chain Manager). Both had been with CHIC for 6 years, during a time of significant growth. We wish them well in their new roles.

We are also pleased to be welcoming Manjit Sanghera who started with CHIC in June. As our new Supply Chain Manager, her role will entail managing CHIC’s relationship with the supply chain to support all programmes being delivered through CHIC’s frameworks, contracts and DPS.


Recruiting Now

We currently have two vacancies in the CHIC team where we are currently inviting applications for:

  • Procurement Manager
  • Head of Member Services (North)

If you know anyone who might be interested, please contact lhurd@chicltd.co.uk


We are also seeking a couple of new Board members.

CHIC’s governance is overseen by a Board of Directors whose role it is to set the consortiums strategic direction and oversee delivery of the strategy. The Board has an independent Chair and up to two independent Members, but most directors are representative of CHIC’s Members.

We have just had to say goodbye to Andy Howarth, former co-optee and founding chair of CHIC. Andy has been with CHIC since it’s inception and has played a crucial part in the evolution and success of CHIC.

We will also say goodbye to Ian Hancock, who’s last board meeting will take place in September. As our current Vice Chair, Ian has contributed significantly to the strategic direction of CHIC over the past 7 years.

David Wells, Head of Operational Services at Wrekin Housing Trust, will begin his first term as Vice Chair following Ian’s departure. David has been a board member of CHIC for 5 years and his knowledge and expertise adds real strength to CHIC’s governance.

The Board and staff at CHIC thank Ian and Andy for their continued commitment to CHIC and we wish them all the best in the future and continuing as CHIC Members!


Board Vacancies

CHIC is now recruiting for two additions to the Board of Directors. We are seeking one member representative and one member or independent representative, ideally with commercial and development knowledge and expertise. If you would like to discuss the opportunities, please contact John Fisher in the first instance jfisher@chicltd.co.uk.


Market Price Movements

CHIC has, and will continue, to work collaboratively with the materials supply chain to better understand the potential supply related issues that may arise due to Brexit, as well as the knock-on effect of Covid 19. This close partnership has allowed CHIC to maintain an understanding as to how the supply of materials has been affected in the short term as well as the commercial and operational impact this will have on our members.

Due to the ever changing environment that has been presented by Covid-19, coupled with the unknown future instability of not only the UK markets, but also Europe and the Far East, the effect to the supply of materials has been and will continue to be sporadic and unpredictable. That said, the distributors and suppliers within the supply chain find themselves acting both reactively and proactively to limit the impact to the sector where possible.

As a result of the instability witnessed in the last 12 months, certain commodities and materials have created supply challenges. The cost of importing a container to the UK has jumped from c. £2,000 per container to c. £12,000 per container, a 600% increase. This has resulted in price fluctuations and increased lead in times. This is now resulting in significant increases in the cost of both material components and the manufacture of category 1 goods. These costs are now having to be passed onto to members via price increases.

CHIC has seen applications for price increases across a multitude of product categories including:

  • Roofing materials – longer lead times and average 9% increase in cost
  • Radiators – average c38% increase in costs
  • Timber – longer lead times and increased costs
  • Kitchen Manufacture – ranging between a 20% and 56% increase in costs
  • Windows and Doors – ranging between a 6% and 13% increase in costs
  • Boilers – longer lead times and increased costs on some ranges
  • Imported electrical components – longer lead times

If you have any queries or concerns regarding market price movements, please get in touch with one of our member services representatives, detailed below:

Stephen Sharman
Head of Member Services (Midlands & South East)

Victoria Speakman
Head of Member Services (South West & Wales)

Lesley Dixon
Head of Member Services (Cumbria & North West)


Published in: CHIC CHAT
