Business Strategy

As CHIC reaches its end of its current business plan period, the Board has constructed the consortiums strategy for the next five years. Having changed name to Communities and Housing Investment Consortium to reflect our wider membership, both geographically and across a variety of sector, we wanted to ensure that we have a business strategy that will fully serve the needs of our members.


Some of the highlights


This strategy initiates a new era in CHIC’s growth and has been developed to reflect the following changes in the recent past:

  • CHIC’s independence and new name
  • The evolution of our governance model, now with an independent chair and some independent board members
  • The new 5-year agency services arrangements with ARK Consultancy
  • The range of Services having grown from 5 to 8. With a wider selection of underlying products
  • Changes in business development focus, encompassing all stakeholders
  • New markets CHIC now supports – both geographically and in different sectors
  • The launch of CHIC’s Online Management System – COMS
  • The launch of CHIC’s Dynamic Purchasing System


CHIC’s values and cultural aspirations largely remain the same:


1. A member owned and governed consortium.

2. Easy access for members to secure services.

3. A proactive partner, supporting both members and the supply chain.

4. Flexibility – we will tailor services to individual needs.

5. Service and fee transparency for members.

6. Strong systems and effective processes.

7. Securing savings, efficiencies and creating added value.

8. Innovative and creative.

9. A market leader in multiple sectors.

10. Customer and supplier satisfaction and support are core to our success.


We hope that this new business strategy ensures we are able to create greater savings and efficiencies for our members and increased business opportunities for our supply chain partners.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
