MMC Myths Busted

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) – Myth Buster


Much has been written about Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). Opinions differ and there are misconceptions about MMC, what it is and how it works. We are often asked questions and find ourselves busting myths in conversations with our members. Here are the top five myths we have found:


MMC is more expensive than traditional build

Not necessarily.  Though volume is key to cost efficiency when manufacturing and the whole development cost has to be considered. MMC is quicker and quality is higher.


MMC is for volume only build only

Although there are cost savings to be made on larger MMC schemes, there can be competitive costings on smaller schemes.  A lot of our members are looking at existing garage sites which can be small but by developing a number of them together, and treating them as one large development, they are achieving affordable MMC solutions.  We have several MMC providers in our portfolio of suppliers who will look at groups of smaller sites.


MMC looks like a prefabricated building

MMC can look identical to a traditionally constructed house type. But MMC also gives the opportunity to use different finishes – we shouldn’t be scared of these. Homes are built in a different way – factory build as opposed to site construction.  By doing this it does achieve a better-quality build, reducing construction time, maintenance and snagging.


MMC is difficult to fund and mortgage lenders don’t approve

MMC providers offer a range of warranty options, all lender approved, enabling funding to be as straight forward as traditional build and compliant with the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) terms.


MMC takes longer in the initial development process than a traditional scheme.

The pre-construction development process should take the same amount of time as a traditional build. However, MMC providers need to be involved at earlier stages of the development process, pre-planning, to ensure that the design is MMC compliant and prevents odd details that could add unnecessary cost.


Do you have burning questions or would like to know more about MMC and how you could use this method of construction in your organisation. Talk to Sarah Davey, CHIC’s Head of Development at

Published in: CHIC CHAT
