News from the Sector

Recently appointed communities secretary Michael Gove has renamed the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to implement the new ‘levelling-up’ agenda, a movement to deliver a programme of tangible improvements and unity in every part of the UK as we build back better from the pandemic.

The Department for Levelling Up, will help deliver on the mission to “level up every part of the UK.”

A recent speech by Michael Gove at the Conservative Conference 2021 finally shed some light on the agenda and presented four key objectives of Levelling Up

  • Strengthen local leadership to drive real change
  • Raise living standards especially where they are lower
  • Improve public services especially where they are weaker
  • Give people the resources necessary to enhance the pride they feel in the place they live.

Michael Gove showed his drive towards making the new framework a success, stating some harsh truths about the current situation for some social homes, being “scandalously poor” partly due to “the supply of social housing overall not having kept pace with the demand and also the quality of social housing”.

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Published in: CHIC CHAT
