Board Briefing

CHIC’s Board meets once a quarter – this article updates CHIC’s stakeholders on key issues discussed.

CHIC’s Board met on 30th March 2022, with a full agenda. The Board, comprising mainly member representatives, is responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of all of CHIC’s activities.


Key issues and decisions were:


CHIC’s Governance

  • Board member appraisals and skills were reviewed to ensure that there are adequate skills and experience to maintain effective oversight of all of CHIC’s activities.
  • The Board decided it needs to recruit a new Director with development expertise, to fill the current vacancy.

Member and Supply Chain Surveys

  • Draft perception surveys for both members and supply chain partners were reviewed and approved.
  • These have now been circulated and feedback on what CHIC does well and can do better will be considered by the Board at their Strategic Awayday in mid-May.

Members Agreement

  • The Board reviewed a revised, much simplified, Member’s Agreement and Articles of Association and approved changes to be recommended to all members.
  • They agreed that members now be consulted and asked to approve the changes at a General Meeting on Friday 27th May 2022.
  • If approved, all members will then be required to formally sign revised Agreements, to be distributed by DocuSign.

New Social Value Charity

  • To increase the visibility of CHIC’s social value activities, the launch of a new Charity was approved – Communities and Housing Investment in People – CHIP.
  • The first Trustees have been identified and the application to the Charity’s Commission to register CHIP was approved.

Budget for 2022/23

  • CHIC continued to grow its member support activities during 2021/22 and this is forecast to continue into the new financial year (commencing for CHIC on 1st June).
  • To support growth the Board approved the addition of new roles to support procurement, member services and social value. Recruitment has now commenced.

Annual Communication Plan

  • The communication and marketing programme for the next year was reviewed and agreed, which will include CHIC’s 2022 Conference taking place on Thursday 16th June.
  • CHIC will also exhibit at the CIH Conference at the end of June, at HOMES in November and NHMF next February, as well as being represented at a wide variety of other events.

Review of Building Safety and Compliance Services

  • At each of its meetings CHIC’s Board now reviews one of the eight core service areas which at this meeting was Building Safety and Compliance.
  • This critical service for members covers a range of products including compliance audit, fire safety, lifts, asbestos, water hygiene, gas & electrical safety, consultancy and a range of other building systems.
  • The Board endorsed the importance of building safety and compliance being a core part of CHIC’s services to members, to ensure that people are safe in their homes.
  • Currently, 42 members use CHIC’s compliance services, using 22 supply chain partners across 29 product areas. There are a further 61 new contracts pending.

Operational Reports

  • At each meeting, CHIC’s team reports on a range of operational activities, including managing risk, the forward procurement plan, financial and operational performance.
  • Currently, 132 members are using CHIC’s services, being delivered through 336 live contracts.
The Board noted that new procurement activity is very active, with many members choosing to conduct mini-competitions either under frameworks or CHIC’s very popular Dynamic Purchasing System.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
