CHIC Conference 


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Less than one week to go!

CHIC’s annual conference & exhibition is almost here, but there is still time to book your free place. All housing and construction professionals are welcome. The conference is chaired by Mark Easton.

This year, delegates can look forward to a great line up of experienced speakers from organisations such as Offsite AllianceThe Regulator of Social HousingMOBIE and a wide range of other sector stakeholders. Attending will allow you to gain key insights into current asset management and development innovations and to network with your sector colleagues.

Why should you attend?

Thinking strategically will deliver better value outcomes from your asset management and development programmes which is why we have based this year’s content around helping you to look to the future and “Plan Ahead for Housing”

Aside from networking with your sector colleagues, sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice solutions, you can also be sure that you will come away with:

  • An understanding of what’s coming up on Regulation, Economic Change, Procurement and Skills Shortages, from our inspiring main session speakers.
  • Key sector insights on current issues from the range of topical workshops delivered by expert speakers.
  • A deeper understanding of emerging trends and hot topics such as Disrepair, Levelling Up, Technological Innovation, Decarbonisation, and Offsite Construction.

To view the full programme, please click here.

Thank you to our sponsors



Be sure to visit our exhibitors 















Published in: CHIC CHAT
