Changes to the team

This month marks the second half of 2022, the first half having been a very busy period for CHIC. Some of the highlights include:

A key area of focus has been expanding our procurement team in June, to reflect continued growth. We are pleased to have welcomed Tariq Malik to the team, whose role as Procurement Coordinator is to support the delivery of compliant procurement.

In July, we are also joined by Rebecca Devaney as our new Head of Procurement, to maintain a forward plan of CHIC’s new and replacement procurement requirements for frameworks and DPS solutions to meet our member’s requirements.

We have also just recruited two further colleagues to the procurement team to support our work in Wales - more details to follow next month.








Recruiting Now:

We are still in the recruitment phase for other roles:



Part of CHIC’s business strategy is to make our Social Value contributions clearer, now through a brand new charity – CHIP (Communities and Housing Investment in People).

CHIP will work proactively with contractors and suppliers to ensure that all contractual SV obligations are achieved. It will commission and monitor Local Employment Groups to create new employment opportunities and will manage a rolling programme of small Community Chests.

The new role for a Social Value Manager will take full responsibility for all of the day to day operations of CHIP, reporting to CHIC’s CEO and a Board of Trustees.



This is a key role working as part of our Member Services Team, with a regional focus. The role involves constant liaison with members to ensure that existing contracts and support are delivering as expected, as well as to create and deliver growth in CHIC’s member services delivery.

If you are interested, please contact Allison Price


Published in: CHIC CHAT
