Newbuild Round Table

CHIC Round Table Discussion

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) can improve upon traditional methods of construction in some key ways:
• Quality – MMC production is repetitive and predicable
• Cost – not just the bottom line cost of development, but whole life costs
• Delivery – faster build meaning homes can be delivered quicker, with less disruption for neighbours
• Carbon Footprint – generating less carbon in the construction process
MMC is a key solution for the future but we need to start changing our thinking on how we approach development. We need to deliver better quality homes, which are energy efficient, to help tackle the fuel poverty crisis and save the environment.
CHIC’s new build MMC programme is growing, and we want to procure a new framework for our members which doesn’t just deliver a compliant route to market via traditional or modern methods of construction. We also want to cover retrofit and housing for sale options, that will be important in larger regeneration projects.
Uptake of MMC has been slow due to lack of knowledge and understanding. We want to change this by bringing together CHIC members development teams, MMC designers and manufacturers, contractors, consultants to share their thoughts and help shape our new framework.
Our aspiration is to establish a new Gold Standard development framework, to offer solutions for development and regeneration schemes of all types and sizes across the UK . But as well as a route to market for members, we intend to establish a ‘framework core group’ that shares learning, understanding and ideas and promotes standardisation and collaboration.
We are therefore hosting a market consultation round table discussion on the morning of Thursday 28th July at Sixways Stadium, Worcester and hope you can attend.
Please email Sarah at for more info.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
