Perception Survey

Many thanks for those that took the time to respond to our annual CHIC stakeholder perception surveys. As a member owned not for profit consortium, we seek to provide great asset management and procurement services and products for our members. Your feedback helps us ensure what we do and how we do it meets or exceeds your expectations.

You have provided some great feedback, but more importantly areas in which we can improve to better our services and relationships with our members and supply chain partners. Below is a sample of some of that feedback responding to the question- ‘how you would describe CHIC?’



CHIC’s Board has now reviewed the feedback, which will influence future service development and business strategy. We will survey members and the supply chain again in the spring of 2023.

If you missed the survey or have anything else that you would like to tell us, please do so by emailing Curtis at


Published in: CHIC CHAT
