Members Agreement

CHIC’s Board decided to update the consortiums Articles and Membership Rules in the first part of 2022. The objectives were:

  • to modernise the Membership Rules, to reflect the scale of CHIC’s current membership
  • to make it more efficient and straightforward for new members to be admitted (by simply signing consent to agree to the Rules)
  • to use the opportunity to review total membership and to remove inactive members, where appropriate.


CHIC started with a membership of 7 founders but by the end of 2021 this had grown to 216 member organisations.


The Board has been involved in a progressive process to effect these changes, which has been:

  • the issue of a Notice of a General Meeting to all 216 current members advising of the proposed changes
  • a General Meeting held on Friday 27th May 2022 – where formal approval to the changes was agreed
  • a DocuSign request for the signature of an Agreement to Terminate the existing Members Agreement and replace it with new Membership Rules.

As a result of this exercise, members who are no longer actively trading through CHIC have been identified and reviewed. Our membership has now been reduced from 216 members to around 150.

120 of members have since accepted the new agreement, therefore if your organisation is one of those remaining who have yet to sign, a member of the CHIC team will be in touch in the coming weeks to discuss the request.

For new members now joining, the ‘sign up’ process is very straightforward, just with a need to sign a consent form. 


Published in: CHIC CHAT
