Adapted Bathrooms

CHIC’s new adapted bathrooms material framework


This new Framework will replace services currently provided under CHIC former long term Adapted Bathroom Materials Supply contract.
The 4 year framework has been developed to provide an efficient, value for money procurement route for local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies for the supply of materials for adapted bathrooms and associated services.
CHIC has established a partnership with AKW Medi-Care that has the in-house capability to supply any or all Materials relevant for adapted bathrooms and associated support services, providing a comprehensive solution for members.
The Framework will provide coverage across the United Kingdom.
If you want to find out more about this framework, please contact one of the CHIC team at

More about AKW Medi-Care
At AKW, we are the leaders in offering cutting edge products and advice to ensure accessibility, design excellence and reliability for flexible modern living. Whether it is our robust wet room solutions, our accessible kitchen equipment or our ingenious smart electric showers, our solutions are also cost effective, delivered by our own dedicated service and quick and easy to install to ensure we always exceed the expectations of both end users and contractors.
We bring accessible bathroom ideas to life, to make your buying and specifying decisions even easier. Our bathroom products are optimally designed for maximum comfort, conforming to national standards for guaranteed quality and specially developed, although not exclusively, for users with reduced mobility.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
