CHIP Roundtable

Last September CHIC’s board adopted a new social value strategy, which included the intention to establish a dedicated, aligned charity. This new charity, Communities and Housing Investment in People (CHIP) was formally registered in May and became operational and active for our new financial year, on 1st July 2022.


CHIC’s social value strategy focuses on five main objectives:
CHIC Contractual Apprenticeships
All CHIC procured contracts, where the annual value is more than £1m, will be expected to deliver apprenticeships.
CHIC Employment Sponsorship
CHIC will work with and financially support LEGs’ in the main regions of CHIC’s active members, to secure permanent employment for people who are disadvantaged or distant from the workplace.
CHIC Community Chest
CHIC will provide small grants to support local projects being promoted in the communities our members support.
CHIC Annual Awards
CHIC promotes annual awards for apprentices and trainees, to recognise high achievers within our members, contractors and suppliers businesses.
CHIC Graduate Apprentice
To work with the CHIC team.
In order for CHIP to develop its activities and responsibilities in delivering these objectives, the new trustees were keen to meet with stakeholders, to seek input and ideas. CHIP hosted a roundtable discussion on Tuesday 13th September, which was attended by over 60 CHIC colleagues, members and supply chain partners.
The agent has appointed a new social value manager, Emma Macaulay, who will now develop the feedback from these informative roundtable discussions, to support her and CHIP’s trustees in delivering social value outcomes for CHIC’s community.
The new faces to CHIP are shown below, social value manager Emma Macaulay, independent chair and other trustees.
Any further info please contact Emma at


Published in: CHIC CHAT
