Annual Report

John Fisher, CHIC’s Chief Executive introduces the 2021/22 Annual Report:

2021/22 was the first year of CHIC’s new five year business strategy and one that proved to be very busy in providing procurement support services to our members.

As we emerged from the challenges of the pandemic we saw members keen to re-establish their asset management and development projects and programmes, utilising the benefits of our frameworks and dynamic purchasing system. We procured 149 new contracts for 81 members and saw member spend through the contracts increase by 104% year on year, collectively exceeding £100m for the first time.
CHIC also developed a strong relationship with Welsh Government and our members in Wales. We procured a comprehensive new DPS to support grant funded optimised retrofit and building safety works across Wales.

To support this growth on all fronts, the team has grown during the year from 14 to now a full complement of 24. This has strengthened our member services team, our procurement capacity and our work with the supply chain. My thanks to all colleagues for their support and hard work.

Growth means efficiencies. We have improved our business infrastructure, reviewed and refined processes and expanded some services, but have reduced member transaction fees by 15% to an average of 2.5%.

CHIC has also sought to enhance our social value offer and at the end of the year we established a new charity, CHIP. We have appointed a new Manager for CHIP who will now be leading our social value programme delivery.

We have had a busy year promoting CHIC at each of two CHIC and CIH conferences, a range of round table and webinar events and expanding our communications infrastructure.

We end the year stronger financially, with a continued focus on offering guidance and support to our growing membership, as an ‘asset management consortium that does procurement’.

As ever, my sincere thanks to the Board for their wisdom, stewardship and constant support in ensuring that what we do reflects the priorities and needs of the membership
Click Here to read our annual report.
If you have any questions about this document, please get in touch with a member of the CHIC team at

Published in: CHIC CHAT
