CHIP Charity Objectives

On 13th September, CHIC hosted a roundtable event to mark the official launch of a new charity CHIP (Communities & Housing Investment in People).

Around 60 stakeholders were present, comprising CHIC’s members, contractors and suppliers, the CHIC team and Board and CHIP’s Trustees.

Discussions focussed on key areas that CHIP will now focus on in 2022/23:

• Securing contractual apprenticeships and training outcomes
• Supporting LEGs’ to get people into work
• CHIP’s Community Chest
• Annual Awards for Achievement
• Added social value

Feedback was supportive of the Social Value objectives that have been set by CHIC for CHIP to deliver. The details will now be developed with the support of and input from CHIC’s stakeholders.

The event was also an opportunity to introduce CHIC’s new Social Value Manager, Emma Macaulay, who will work closely with CHIP’s Trustees to deliver the agreed objectives.

Stakeholder feedback will be used to develop CHIP’s operational infrastructure and to set targets.

If you didn’t attend and would like to know the outcomes from each discussion, or would like to contribute to CHIP’s charity objectives, please contact Emma at

Published in: CHIC CHAT
