Retrofit Framework

CHIC is creating a 4-year Retrofit Framework that is designed to allow a quality, compliant route to market for nationwide and local specialist retrofit contractors. The retrofit services included in the tender will provide an effective, practical pathway to take a home to its lowest achievable carbon footprint. This is achieved through a combination of building fabric improvements, low and zero-carbon technologies and intelligent ongoing operational controls.

The CHIC retrofit framework will provide an efficient, value for money, compliant, procurement route for local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies for the consultancy and works (design, supply and installation) of Retrofit and associated works in all types of public sector refurbishment projects, offering a full turnkey solution.

The Framework will compliment CHIC’s existing UK Retrofit DPS solution and the dedicated Welsh ORP and Building Safety DPS by offering improved supply chain engagement and collaboration.

CHIC is seeking suitably qualified, accredited, and experienced organisation(s) to deliver specialist retrofit services including but not limited to consultancy, design, survey, technical support including supply and installation works, audit, reporting, measuring and other associated services.

Published in: CHIC CHAT
