Mini-budget criticised for lack of support for affordable housing
Housing providers and industry bodies have criticised the government’s mini-budget for not doing enough to support the development of affordable homes. Read what some of the sectors most influential people have to say.
Social landlords can bid for £800m as second wave of decarbonisation fund opens
The government announced in October last year that it would be allocating a further £800m to the SHDF, just ahead of the release of the long-awaited Heat and Buildings Strategy.
Social landlords can now bid for a piece of the £800m pot, which is expected to enable energy-efficiency upgrades in 100,000 social homes.
According to the government, the upgrades will cut around £400 from tenants’ average energy bills “at current prices”.
New CIH president to focus on improving racial diversity across the sector
The new president of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has unveiled a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of racial diversity within the leadership of the housing sector.
Her presidential campaign, called In My Shoes, will run from this month to the end of her term as president in September 2023.
By drawing on Ms Oyedele’s experience as a Black woman in the housing sector, the campaign will challenge the lack of ethnic and racial diversity in landlords boardrooms and provide a catalyst for positive change.
Housing associations and home adaptations: finding ways to say yes – key messaging
A new report for Housing Associations aimed at improving adaptation services for disabled customers is now available – and it could help your organisation transform this service area.
