
New CHIC eSourcing portal
Procurement and Tender Management

The new CHIC eSourcing portal was successfully launched on 1st November.

The award-winning e-Procurement portal is a comprehensive procurement system for all our members contracts for goods or services (Frameworks, DPS, RFQ, PQQ, etc), from e-tender through to call off and award, with real-time reporting and providing a clear and secure audit trail.

New suppliers can access and apply for any Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) category on the CHIC eSourcing portal and in the first instance will need to register as a new supplier. This can be done by registering on the CHIC eSourcing platform at

Once registered, submit a Request to Participate (RTP) via ‘Participate’ ‘Register Interest’, which will take you to the relevant DPS, where the online selection questionnaire can be completed, including selection of the required categories and provision of references.

In order to receive an Invitation to Tender (ITT), all potential suppliers will need to be appointed to the relevant DPS’ as an ‘Approved Supplier’.

In the first instance, they will need to submit a RTP which will be evaluated (by CHIC – within 10 days of receipt) to establish general suitability and capability to provide the services under contracts awarded through a CHIC DPS. Firms will only be able to participate in tenders under a DPS after formal notification that they have been appointed to the relevant DPS.

Specific contracts are then awarded during a second ‘tender’ stage (Mini-Competition) of the process. For the Mini-Competition, the Employer must invite all suppliers within the relevant Category on the DPS to bid for the specific contract, this can be based on contract value and geographical location, for a specific Mini-Competition.

Please contact CHIC Procurement Operations for more information

If you would like more information or a demonstration of the new eSourcing Portal, the CHIC Procurement Team will be holding a workshop and one-to-one sessions at the CHIC Conference & Exhibition in Telford, on Wednesday 24th May 2023. You can book your place now

Published in: CHIC CHAT
