Round Up

2022 was a busy and successful year for CHIC both in terms of consortium growth and in supporting our members and partners. Here is a quick overview of some of the 2022 successes.

Expanding the CHIC Team
We welcomed six new CHIC team members in 2022, all of whom are now settled into their new positions and actively supporting our supply chain partners and members.

Changes to our BoardCHIC’s Board is made up primarily of members and we were delighted to welcome Charlotte Johnson from Platform Housing Group, bringing development expertise to the Board and Caroline Lawley, who has considerable finance experience.

New ServicesCHIC is continually evolving the suite of frameworks and DPS solutions to meet members requirements. Last year, we procured some new frameworks, including Adaptive Bathrooms, Roofing, Compliance Audit, Consultancy, Conveyancing and Digital Asset Delivery.

In 2023 these will be joined by new Development and Retrofit frameworks, as well as the progressive replacement of many of our existing frameworks as the original terms come to an end.

Optimised Retrofit and Building SafetyCHIC has developed a bespoke DPS procurement solution for Retrofit and Building Safety in Wales. Funded by Welsh Government, the main objective was to create a single compliant route that will be used to deliver retrofit and fire safety works and support local employment and growth.

CHIPCHIC took its commitment to generate a social value return from its procurement activities further, through the launch of a new charity, CHIP. 16 people were supported into work through local employment groups in 2022 and this will double in 2023.

EventsWe continued our successful series of events for members and supply chain partners in 2022, hosting 6 networking events, including our annual CHIC Conference & Exhibition.

The events included three Roundtable discussions which proved very popular- one on Disrepair and two early market engagement discussions for the forthcoming newbuild framework.

Membership GrowthCHIC reviewed and updated our Membership Rules in 2022, whilst welcoming 38 new members. Membership now includes over 200 organisations, for which we support our 600 live contracts.

So, 2022 was a busy year on many fronts, with lots of change and service development. This puts CHIC in a strong position to support our members during 2023 and beyond.


If you have any ideas on how CHIC can enhance it’s services, please get in touch at

Published in: CHIC CHAT
