CHIP’s social value commitments through contracts
CHIC believes in influencing positive change through our procurement support to members. We incorporate social value objectives to help you bring positive experiences to the communities in which you work.  We commit to supporting you with your social value delivery through your contracts, focusing on the key areas of: Building Communities, Health & Wellbeing, Crime & Justice, Education, Skills & Jobs, and environmental impact.
CHIC has recently updated its framework for all social value commitments for all contracts procured through our frameworks and DPS.
All contracts are now required to deliver social value outcomes at a minimum of 1% of their annual turnover, where all contributions will need to be made clear at tender stage.  This will ensure that CHIC can support you in delivering social value objectives, ensuring they are effectively monitored and measured, throughout the duration of your contract.
We believe in ensuring that all elements of social value are captured, to ensure the impact on residents and local communities are measurable, showing short and long-term positive impacts.  CHIC doesn’t measure its outcomes by credits; what we commit to is to measure social value output in terms of its monetary and time value.  We believe this will provide an accurate overview of social value, with a wide range of data to fully demonstrate impact.


There are several ways in which social value can be created through contracts. This could include:

Recruiting apprentices within your workplace
Providing monetary donations to charities and community groups
Delivering ‘Tool Kit’ training to local residents to empower them to fix issues within their own homes
Donate surplus building stock to local community groups
Support community events
Host school and college students who are looking for career experience
Donate to local food banks
Volunteering within the local community


Every social value opportunity will provide a range of monetary values, that will be managed and calculated by CHIC’s Social Value Manager, supporting you to reach your minimum 1% contract commitment.

For more information regarding CHIC’s social value contributions, please contact Emma Macaulay, Social Value Manager


Published in: CHIC CHAT
