
Headlines from CHIC’s Board Meeting


CHIC’s Board of Directors meet quarterly, to review the consortium’s performance against the agreed 5 year business strategy. At the last meeting in December 2022, the Board:

-   Appointed a new member representative director with finance expertise – Caroline Lawley, Head of Finance at Connexus

-   Agreed the selection process for a new Independent Chair who, once appointed, will join the Board to assume the Chair’s role in mid-2024

-   Approved an updated Social Value Strategy, reflecting the recent launch of Communities & Housing Investment in People (CHIP), CHIC’s associated charity.

-   Decided to use an external survey company to review member and supply chain feedback in the Spring of 2023

-   Reviewed progress against the years operational and financial targets

-   Agreed the programme for the 2023 CHIC Conference and Exhibition, to be held on 24th May in Telford

-   Received a presentation from Searchflow – a CHIC framework provider that delivers a comprehensive property search service.

CHIC’s Board currently comprises ten directors. Eight joined as representatives of members and two are independent, including the Chair.

If you have any questions about CHIC’s governance and the role and work of the Board, please contact CHIC’s Chief Executive, John Fisher (

Published in: CHIC CHAT
