
CHIC’s quarterly Board meeting was held on Wednesday 29th March. The Boards role is to set the strategic direction for the consortium, to ensure that the services CHIC is structured to deliver are in line with member expectation and need. The Board also monitors operational performance, to provide assurance for the membership that the business strategy is being delivered.

The Board is chaired by an Independent Director, Maggie Punyer, and currently has one other Independent Director. The remainder of the directors are member representatives.

Key issues arising from the March quarterly meeting were:

Board ChangesMark Pinnell tendered his resignation, due to work pressures elsewhere. The Board has been grateful for his valued input and will appoint a replacement with a similar skill set. Advertising for the new CHIC Independent Chair has attracted a strong set of applications. The Board has agreed the shortlisting and interview arrangements. The new chair will be appointed in May and take on the chairs role in mid 2024.

Annual Member and Supply Chain SurveyQuestions for the 2023 survey were agreed, to be undertaken on behalf of CHIC’s Board by Insight Communications.

Social Value StrategyCHIC’s Social Value Strategy was reviewed and updated. CHIC is now committing 10% of its annual turnover to social value activities, both directly and through donations to our associated charity – CHIP. The Board noted updated Social Value contractual requirements for future framework and contract procurement.

Financial ReportsThe forecast outturn for the FY 2023/24 is in line with budget (CHIC’s FY in July to June). The Board approved the budget for 2024/25. This forecasted further growth in the consortiums activities and a lower average fee payable by members. All business strategy targets are being met or exceeded.

CHIC Team­The Board noted there are some minor changes to the team structure, to optimise member service delivery.

MarketingCHIC has hosted three successful events this quarter - roundtables on Damp and Mould and the Welsh Optimised Retrofit Programme and a ‘meet the consortium’ event in the North West. Planning for the CHIC Conference has well advanced - taking place on 24th May in Telford.

AwaydayThe Board is holding it’s annual away day in June, to maintain it’s focus on CHIC’s business objectives and strategy, on behalf of members.


Published in: CHIC CHAT
