Framework Procurement

CHIC has two frameworks for which we are currently out to tender and it’s not too late to apply. Both are being procured using the Open Procedure.
Kitchen Supply Framework
Closing Date: 1st September 2023
This 4-year Framework is designed for the supply of pre-assembled kitchen units through local and nationwide suppliers. The lots included are:
Lot 1: Kitchen Furniture and Equipment
Lot 2: Kitchen Supply and Fit (Newbuild Property)
For full details, please visit or contact
Windows, Doors & Roofline Framework
Closing Date: 8th September 2023
This framework is designed to allow specialist local and nationwide Window and Door system suppliers to tender for the following three distinctive lots:
Lot 1: Windows & Doors
Lot 2: Communal Doors
Lot 3: Roofline Components & Rainwater Goods
For full details, please visit or contact
Once established, Both of these frameworks may be accessed by any of CHIC’s members and any authorised users. By becoming a CHIC supply chain partner, you can gain access to CHIC’s member organisations.
Newbuild Framework
This comprehensive new framework is being procured using the Restricted Procedure. Applications have closed and CHIC is currently assessing all of the PQQ’s received, in order to establish which consultants, contractors and MMC manufacturers will be invited to tender. The expected timetable for the remainder of the procurement process for the framework is:
• Issue of invitations to tender W/C 21st August 2023
• Tender return deadline W/C 2nd October 2023
• Completion of tender analysis November 2023
• Framework awards notified December 2023
• Framework commences January 2024
If you have any questions about this procurement, please contact



Published in: CHIC CHAT
