Newbuild BLOG

CHIC’s Newbuild Framework
In this Blog CHIC’s Head of Development, Sarah Davey, explains why the newbuild framework that CHIC is currently procuring is going to be a game changer and why our members should consider using it.
It is important to understand our journey so far.
The scale of CHIC’s programme is growing and we wanted to procure a new framework for our members which doesn’t just deliver a compliant route to market via traditional or modern methods of construction, but one that also provides a range of MMC options. We also want to provide a solution for larger regeneration schemes, which might include retrofit and housing for sale elements, creating cross subsidy.
CHIC already offers a choice of Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) and long term contract options for its members as a compliant route to market. Our previous newbuild framework has expired and we wanted to replace it with something that meets all our members needs.
CHIC held a series of roundtable discussions with members, consultants and contractors to identify what exactly these organisations need from a framework.
A summary of what our stakeholders told us is set out below:
> A longer term framework to enable the direct and competitive award of work – newbuild development takes years and a usual four year framework doesn’t give time for a team to learn together and take this learning into follow on projects
> MMC options and support – a lot of members want to explore MMC but don’t fully understand what it entails. They wanted options for full turnkey and supply only MMC solutions – and fully modular and frame and panel
> Consultancy services – the framework should provide consultancy services used for newbuild (with MMC and BIM expertise)
> A solution for larger, more complex regeneration projects, mixing newbuild with other property investment works and where cross subsidy from housing for sale is needed
> To include options to use a range of standard contracts – avoid “reinventing the wheel”
> BIM – an essential for most newbuild schemes, to focus thinking on construction quality and ease of future maintenance
> Standard KPI’s – these are to be relevant and necessary rather than impractical and antiquated
> Collaborative – to have a chance to share information to learn from mistakes and incorporate successes in future developments
> Social value – to be accounted for and delivered in every development scheme
From these findings, CHIC set out to procure a new framework that incorporated these aspirations.
The framework is divided into three Lots with national coverage. These Lots are:
Lot 1 – Consultancy Services
Lot 2 – Contractors and Manufacturers
Lot 3 – Development and Regeneration
The Lots are then divided into workstreams (WS) which are:
Lot 1 Consultancy
WS 1 – Project Management Services
WS 2 – Architectural Services
WS 3 – Structural and Civil Engineering Services
WS 4 – Principal Designer Services
Lot 2 Contractor
WS 1 – Traditional & Main Contractor for MMC
WS 2 – Fully Modular – supply only
WS 3 – Frame and Panel supply only
WS 4 – Contractor/Manufacturer Turnkey
Lot 3 Regeneration
WS 1 – Development & Regeneration
So, the above summarises how the newbuild framework is structured and how it will work, but why is it a game changer?
There are several reasons we think.
Firstly members can access via mini tender or direct award and the coverage is national by region. It will offer solutions for both development and regeneration schemes of all types and sizes and it is the first newbuild framework that CHIC has procured that incorporates the Government's recommendations for Constructing the Gold Standard. It has an eight year duration and adopts a framework alliance contract (FAC-1) which offers a range of call off contract options.
It is intended that a Framework Core Group will be established that will share learning and promote standardisation and collaboration. All appointments from the framework will be arranged and managed by CHIC through our e-sourcing portal.
The framework is currently in the procurement process stage and it will be formally launched in early 2024.
For more information on any of the above please contact:
Sarah Davey
Head of Development | 07748 375181

Published in: CHIC CHAT
