CHIC Board meeting

CHIC’s Board of Directors held its quarterly meeting at the end of September. The Board consists of 11 Directors, 8 represent CHIC’s members and 3 are independent. The Board’s role is to ensure that CHIC’s services are delivered in line with member expectations.


Key issues considered by the Board included:

-    The annual audit of CHIC’s accounts and approval of the Directors report and accounts for 2022/23. These reported a positive financial outcome for the year, with a Balance Sheet strengthened to reflect CHIC’s ongoing growth, whilst average member fees continued to reduce.
-    Approval of the Annual Report for 2022/23 and the Social Value Annual Report
-    Approval to increase the staffing resources within the CHIC team, strengthening the Member Services, Procurement and Strategic Services teams. The Board is particularly keen to ensure that we can continue to deliver responsive, personalised services to all members.
-    A review of CHIC’s Risk Register, considered in the context of the current economic pressures on our members.
-    The annual review of CHIC’s Agent’s performance against targets and CHIC’s 5 Year Business Strategy.
   A decision to continue to review one of CHIC’s 8 services in detail at each quarterly meeting.
Overall, the Board was suitably assured that CHIC continues to deliver in line with members expectations and to achieve the Business Strategy targets. 

Published in: CHIC CHAT
