CHIP Roundtable

Communities and Housing Investment in People (CHIP) was registered as a new charity with the Charity commission in May 2022, to support CHIC’s Social Value programme. CHIP was formally launched in September 2023, at a Roundtable Discussion attended by CHIC’s members and supply chain partners.


The discussions and the conclusions reached endorsed CHIP’s key objectives and helped to shape how those should be delivered. CHIP objectives include:

-      Partnering with Local Employment Groups (LEGs), to support those distant from the workplace into sustained employment.

-      Providing funding to local community groups and projects, where we can make a real difference to people's lives.

-      Celebrating the success of the individuals and organisations through annual awards

-      CHIP’s work is delivered by a Social Value Manager, funded by CHIC but overseen by a small committee of five trustees. These are independent, including the chair and two are nominated by the Board of CHIC.

CHIC‘s own social value activities include requirements for social value outcomes from all CHIC procured contracts, funding CHIP and the Social Value Manager and the appointment of a graduate apprentice.


September 2023 Roundtable

CHIC and CHIP published their first Social Value Annual Report, which was launched at this September event. CHIP was keen to ask stakeholders to look back over the last year to see if the agreed objectives had been achieved, but primarily to look forward to ensure that the outcomes of CHIP’s activities will achieve the maximum positive impact possible.

CHIC’s supply chain partner AICO kindly agreed to host the event at their depot in Oswestry. CHIP’s trustees and CHIC’s team were joined by a range of stakeholders drawn from our members and supply chain partners.

To set the scene for later discussions, delegates initially had presentations from:

John Fisher, Chief Executive - CHICLuke Hurd, Chief Operating Officer - CHICBarrie Hodge - St BasilsKirsty Docherty - Bell GroupPaul Cartwright - AICO


To find out more about CHIP, please visit their website at 


Published in: CHIC CHAT
