CHIC's Social Value Commitment: Empowering Communities Through CHIP's Community Chest Fund
As part of our dedication to social impact, CHIC allocates funds to CHIP to administer its Community Chest Fund, supporting projects and initiatives that directly enhance the lives of individuals and communities within CHIC's member areas.
The funds provided empower local groups and community stakeholders to make significant improvements to community wellbeing and generate social value. As long as there is a clear vision for community benefit and positive impact on peoples lives, the project is eligible for consideration.
Applications for the fund are open to all, but they are primarily restricted to groups or organisations with an existing relationship with one or more Social Housing Providers which are members of CHIC. This approach ensures that projects supported by CHIP create added social value in communities where CHIC operates.
For individual projects, applicants can request up to £5,000. The application form and guidance documents can be accessed on CHIP's website at CHIP's Community Chest Fund.
Funds for 2023-24 are still available and we encourage applications to support your projects.
Previous Beneficiaries:
Last year, the Community Chest Fund supported initiatives such as:
• Bounce Back in Lambeth, London, aiding ex-offenders in their journey toward self-employment through a digital badges program.
• The Springfield Project in Birmingham, enriching the lives of local children, youth, and families through empowering community activities.
• Lola’s Kitchen in Telford, offering cooking skills and budget-friendly cooking sessions to reduce loneliness and encourage socialisation.
For more information about the fund, please reach out to Emma Macaulay, Social Value Manager, at


Published in: CHIC CHAT
