Wales ORP Roundtable

Last month, CHIC hosted part 2 in its series of roundtable events in Wales to bring together social landlords and supply chain partners, to consider how we can create effective delivery of the Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) by ensuring that the sector has the right tools and solutions in place, with added social value.
The event was held on 15th November in Cardiff and attended by 50 stakeholders.
Updates on progress so far and effective solutions for delivery were presented by a range of speakers including Mike Kelly from Evolve, Darren Phelan from The MSS Group and Andrew Partington from Netret Group. We were also joined by two additional presenters who contributed to a Q&A discussion with delegates, Daniel Dunning from Welsh Government and Dusi Thomas from Bron Afon. We thank them all for their valuable insights and contributions to the day.
The discussions were very positive, centered around the Wales Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) and its integration with the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) 2023. There was a comprehensive gathering of industry experts and stakeholders which emphasised the importance of a tenant focused approach to upgrading social housing, acknowledging the impact on health, education and overall wellbeing.
Highlights from the Discussion:
Alignment with Standards: WHQS 2023 was applauded for aligning with the ORP strategy, catering to tenant needs and positive outcomes.
Challenges and Solutions: Challenges in data usage, skills gaps, structural concerns and legislative adaptations were identified. Efforts were underway to address these challenges through improved data utilisation and better qualifications for surveyors.
Long Term Funding and Planning: Discussions revolved around funding longevity, diverse data capture and challenges in conducting effective surveys. Suggestions included seeking indicative funding for effective ORP planning and advocating for more thoughtful project planning.
Retrofit Implementation Learning: Learning from early collaboration, challenges in pre-works and defining success factors for effective retrofit implementation were highlighted. Collaboration, data quality and a fabric-first approach were emphasised for success.
Conclusion: The comprehensive discussions highlighted the need for collaboration, strategic planning and alignment with long term investment for effective ORP implementation. The report provides detailed insights into challenges, proposed solutions and key takeaways for industry players to consider in optimising retrofit programmes in Wales.
The event was kindly sponsored by:
To find out more about CHIC’s retrofitting DPS, please contact Jackie Leonard, Head of Member Services (Wales)

Published in: CHIC CHAT
