Member Services

At the end of 2023, we made some changes to the Member Services Team, with Liam Gratty being appointed to the new role of Director of Strategic Services and the addition of three new Heads of Member Services. This increases the team available to directly support our members, each within defined geographical areas. Our team and their respective regions are shown below.

For our members in Scotland and Northern Ireland, member services support will be agreed according to specific project requirements.


Your Key Contact
CHIC’s senior leadership and membership services teams are asset managers first, not just procurement specialists.
We support members to identify the best solutions for their particular needs, then manage the contractor or supplier selection with them through to the award of contract. Unlike other consortia, CHIC then provides ongoing support services to ensure that the selected contract or service runs smoothly.
Over the years, CHIC has expanded its geographic coverage and now has products and services that can be utilised by its members across all parts of the UK. Members requirements can differ based on geographical location; our regional Heads of Member Services will work to understand their members local issues and requirements to identify the best solutions for them.
The below document details our full list of members alongside your CHIC Member Services Team key contact.


If you would like to discuss your programme requirements with a member of the Member Services Team, please get in touch as below.
Stephen Sharman | Member Services Director (London)

Adrian Hussain | Head of Member Services (East)
Joanne Heyes | Head of Member Services (North)
Sarah Degg | Head of Member Services (West)
Chris Brockwell | Head of Member Services (South)
Jackie Leonard | Head of Member Services (Wales)


Published in: CHIC CHAT
