Updates from CHIC


CHIC’s Board of Directors meets quarterly; the last meeting of 2023 was in December. The Boards role is to set and monitor the business strategy for CHIC, to ensure that as a collaborative consortium we plan and deliver services that our members want and need.

The Board consists of 11 directors, at least 8 of which must be drawn from our members. Currently CHIC has an independent chair and chair elect, one other independent and 6 member representative directors. Two member directors left the Board in December, each after 6 years of valuable support, so we are currently recruiting their replacements.

In addition to routine quarterly reviews of financial and business performance, the Board also spent time considering some key issues which will help to shape future service delivery, including:

Stakeholder Surveys – how we will consult with members and supply chain partners this Spring, to get feedback on how effectively we meet their needs
CHIC Marketing Strategy – making sure that we communicate effectively with our stakeholders and others to promote CHIC at the most appropriate events
Procurement Plan – a review of forthcoming framework and DPS procurement activities, including options for collaborative procurement with another consortium for some services
Strategic Awayday – setting the agenda for the Boards awayday this February.

If you would like to know about the work of CHIC’s Board and how it maintains effective governance of CHIC as a member owned procurement consortium, please contact Chief Executive, John Fisher (jfisher@chicltd.co.uk)

We're thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Mike Ivory, Ian Mackinnon and Rupal Bhojani, the newest additions to the CHIC team.

Mike Ivory and Ian Mackinnon join our growing Procurement team as Senior Procurement Managers. Their roles are to support the team to plan, manage and administer all mini-competitions and support the development of business cases for direct contract awards. They will also be an integral part in managing DPS activities and maintaining the forward plan of new and replacement programme of frameworks.

Meanwhile, Rupal joins our supply chain team in a new position as Catalogue Manager. Her responsibilities involve managing and supporting the materials and labour supply chain, to enhance efficiency for CHIC members, supporting new procurements and managing price catalogues.

We will also be appointing a new Procurement Officer and a Partnerships Executive in the near future – more information in the next issue of CHIC CHAT.



Published in: CHIC CHAT
