Newbuild Framework

We are excited to announce that our Gold Standard Newbuild Framework will be available to CHIC members next month, providing a comprehensive solution to deliver all types of development related services and works.

The framework lots and workstreams were shaped through consultation with CHIC’s members, consultants and contractors to ensure that it offers a compliant route to market that addresses the sectors evolving needs.

This new 8-year Framework for construction works and consultancy services will cater for a wide range of project types, from small infill and garage sites to large estate regeneration projects including newbuild, refurbishment/retrofit and cross subsidy housing for sale. It also provides MMC solutions including fully modular, frame & panel and turnkey options.

Structured into three lots with national coverage, the framework incorporates the following key elements:

Lot 1 for Consultancy Services encompasses Project Management, Architectural, Structural and Civil Engineering and Principal Designer Services.

Lot 2 offers Traditional & Main Contractors for MMC, Fully Modular supply-only solutions, Frame and Panel supply-only options and Contractor/Manufacturer Turnkey services. It provides flexibility and efficiency, allowing members to choose from a range of construction approaches that suit their specific project requirements.

Lot 3 focuses on Development and Regeneration. It is intended for large-scale projects, providing a comprehensive approach to urban renewal. It offers solutions for newbuild developments, refurbishment, retrofitting and cross-subsidised housing for sale.

The framework addresses the specific needs identified during CHIC's stakeholder consultation process, including a longer term duration, MMC options and support, consultancy services, a solution for larger regeneration projects, the use of standard contracts, BIM integration and a focus on collaborative and added social value.

Sarah Davey, CHIC’s Head of Development commented, "This framework offers our members an inclusive approach, encouraging innovation, efficiency and social value outcomes. We believe it will help our members to deliver their newbuild developments efficiently, setting a gold standard for the sector."

Taking place at Conference Aston in Birmingham city centre, the purpose of the event is to explain how the newbuild framework will work and answer any questions you may have.

We expect to be joined by CHIC’s members development teams, MMC designers and manufacturers, contractors, consultants and our legal representatives for this procurement, Trowers & Hamlins.

The day is split into two parts. The morning will be dedicated to Lot 1 – Consultancy Services and the afternoon will be for Lots 2 & 3 – Contractors / MMC Manufacturers.

To register for  your place, please fill out the registration form

Published in: CHIC CHAT
