We are thrilled to announce the launch of CHIC's new framework, providing access to a diverse range of window and door manufacturers. Tailored to meet the evolving needs of the industry, CHIC's framework is split into three distinct Lots.
Lot 1: Windows & Doors The supply and fit of Windows and Doors and associated goods, works and services, under the following workstreams.
Workstream 1 – uPVC Systems
Workstream 2 – Timber Systems
Workstream 3 – Aluminium Systems
Workstream 4 – Alternate Systems
Lot 2: Doors The supply and fit of Communal Entrance Doors and associated goods, works and services, under the following workstreams.
Workstream 1 – Communal Entrance Doors
Workstream 2 – Composite Doors (including Fire Doors)
Workstream 3 – Door Canopies
Lot 3: Roofline & Rainwater Goods The supply of fascia, soffit, bargeboards, and rainwater goods including gutters and downpipes and associated goods, works and services, under the following workstream.
Workstream 1 – Roofline & rainwater goods
A full list of suppliers can be found on our website here: https://www.chicltd.co.uk/services/frameworks/