Gaining Deeper Sector Insights

Key takeaways from Government Property Tech 24 and Proptech 24

In the dynamic and ever changing landscape of housing and construction, staying updated on regulatory shifts is crucial for CHIC, to be able to deliver effective support and guidance to its members. Participating in industry events provides opportunities for gaining a fresh perspective, fostering collaboration and enhancing our skills.

By actively engaging in these events, the CHIC team not only widens its own expertise but also strengthens the ability to provide members with informed guidance through our managed service, ensuring adherence to regulations and excellence in procurement practices.

We recently attended the Government Property Tech and Proptech 24 Conference which took place in a wet Westminster and CHIC’s Chris Brockwell, a recently appointed Head of Member Services, gave his feedback from the event, responding to some questions from our Marketing team:

What is your general feedback on the conference and did anything stand out to you?

“The conference was well organised and having both events at the same venue provided a comprehensive coverage of topics. The range of exhibitors was commendable and the content was relevant to the challenges faced by Registered Providers and government buildings.”

What were your key takeaways from each event?

“Several key points emerged. Firstly, The Government strategy for transforming places and achieving a smaller green estate sets to improve professional insight and excellence, showcasing the scale and breadth of the challenges ahead.

Strategic Asset Management Planning (SAMP) emerged as a vital objective to address the challenges faced by Asset Managers and Surveyors of RPs’ in adapting to new regulations, roles, and capacity requirements. By providing a structured framework and strategic guidance, SAMP offers valuable assistance in navigating these complexities and achieving desired outcomes effectively.

Additionally, discussions on achieving Net Zero underscored the urgency of addressing climate change, with stark figures being shared by Equans, revealing the UK's current temperature exceeded expectations by upwards of 1.5%.

Finally, the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on building design, workforce roles and planning processes emphasised the need for adaptation and innovation in the sector."

Government Proptech 24 conference?

“The variety of topics always intrigues me on the quantity and variety of tasks and challenges RPs’ are faced with using Data and reducing silos.  The technology that is required to help manage and deliver excellent services is vast. Various speakers examined the journey from service inception to delivery, including customer engagement, many covering the benefits of early engagement. 

Building safety was covered by Charlotte Spencer with her many responsibilities for the DLUHC and 3D mapping, showing how this has evolved to 4th generation tech.

Lastly the customer engagement piece was of special interest, as at the heart of what we do is to serve the residents and listen to what their needs are”.

Did anyone particularly stand out with their presentation?

“A number did – in particular Karl Lambert's presentation on ‘Understanding the New Paradigm for managing the built environment’ stood out. His compelling insights into climate issues and their impact on the built environment elicited strong reactions from the audience, highlighting the urgency of embracing technology and AI to stay ahead in the sector."

Did anything surprise you or change your feelings about a certain subject or issue?

"The events confirmed my thoughts on the extent the sector is lagging behind others in achieving Net Zero and what we REALLY need to do regarding heating and cooling. Speakers emphasised the importance of adopting a multi-faceted approach to Net Zero, dividing efforts into quick wins, mid-term and long-term strategies. This approach allows for immediate, tangible outcomes through simple yet impactful actions, such as reducing energy consumption through EPC reductions. The availability of innovative solutions, like heat-reflective paints capable of reducing heat by 45%, highlights the feasibility of making significant strides toward Net Zero goals."

How will learning from this event help you to support CHIC members' requirements?

"The insights on Government strategies, asset management, net-zero initiatives and technology integration directly address our members' challenges. Understanding the urgency of achieving Net Zero targets and embracing emerging technologies is crucial. Additionally, prioritising customer engagement highlights the importance of ensuring resident satisfaction. Incorporating these takeaways equips CHIC to bridge the gap between asset strategy and operational delivery, ensuring tailored support for our members."

More about CHIC’s Managed Service

CHIC is a not for profit organisation offering compliant routes to market for RP and Public Sector professionals through Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Solutions which enable better outcomes and deliverability. Multiple services are provided, with compliant and monitored supply chain partners to meet the needs required. Please see

CHIC’s senior leadership and membership services teams are asset managers first, not just procurement specialists.

We support members to identify the best solutions for their particular needs, then manage the contractor or supplier selection with them through to the award of contract. Unlike other consortia, CHIC then provides ongoing support services (as little or as much as is required) to ensure that the selected contract or service runs smoothly.

Over the years, CHIC has expanded its geographic coverage and now has products and services that can be utilised by its members across all parts of the UK. Members requirements can differ based on geographical location; our regional Members Services Representative will work to understand their members local issues and requirements to propose the best solutions for them.


Published in: CHIC CHAT
