What's Happening at CHIC?

At CHIC, we feel that providing valuable and transferable information about the performance of your contracts through CHIC is key for robust asset management and ensuring that you are generating the most savings and efficiencies.

Rolling out early in the new year, our monthly member reports will be a method in which we provide information such as spend savings across our services, current live contracts, pending opportunities, social value updates and more. Information is key and having full transparency on performance will lead to more informed business decisions. If you would like to receive these reports or find out more, please get in touch at

You may also be aware that last month, we started revamping our monthly merchant reports. Great progress has been made and we are planning to release the new and improved look before 2020 kicks in. If you would like to provide any recommendations on what you would like to see included, please let us know.


In Other News

2020 is going to see the new and re-procurement of many frameworks that’s CHIC has to offer our membership. The multiple elements framework is currently being evaluated and will be awarded soon.

Frameworks in the pipeline currently include:

  • BuildSmart re-procurement
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Planned Contracts Framework – Phase 3
  • Legal Services re-procurement

If you would like to find out more on how your organisation can utilise these frameworks to generate significant savings, please feel free to get in touch.


  • The 31st October saw the very successful BS 5839-6:2019 Update workshop hosted by Aico, It was the second CHIC Seminar event which prompted some thought-provoking discussions between our members and our delegates left filled with newfound knowledge.
  • Bookings are now open to visit CHIC’s off-site manufactured showhome! The BuildSmart showhome was developed to showcase the improved speed of delivery and quality that off-site manufactured homes can provide. Please contact Curtis Coulson to book your free place and find out more
  • Our member Connexus hosted a supplier day earlier in the month. Members on our Kitchen Manufacturers Framework were able to showcase all of their new, innovative services and products and Connexus gained the certainty of an effective relationship. A great day for all involved.
  • CHIC’s Commercial Director Luke Hurd and Senior Account Manager Stephen Sharman will be exhibiting at the NHMF Conference on 21st and 22nd January next year. If you are attending and would like to have a 1 on 1 meeting with the team, drop an email to to make the arrangements.
  • We would like to thank all who took the time to take our member feedback survey. We received some great recommendations and feedback which will be used to drive change at CHIC such as 85% of respondents believing CHIC makes their organisation more efficient. A full report will be published soon.

CHIC Seminars

CHIC Seminars is a new initiative that brings our supply chain and membership together to network, encourage business development and provide knowledge and expertise on new legislation.

We have always seen the great value that our supply chain brings, and we wanted to find a way to increase knowledge sharing and best practice for our members. We have already seen great success following our free events in collaborations with Nationwide Windows and Doors and Aico so we wanted a way to continually provide added value and formulate the events into an official schedule.

The next CHIC Seminar will be taking place on 23rd January next year and frequently thereafter. An official list of Seminars will be published in the new year. There has already been a lot of work put in place to make these seminars valuable and worth the day out the office. Be sure to keep an eye out for any updates as there will be many exciting opportunities to come!

If you are a member of CHIC’s Supply Chain and interested in partnering with us to host a CHIC Seminar, please contact Curtis Coulson

News from the Supply Chain

As a market leader in the affordable housing sector, our knowledge of what works in any social housing context gives us a greater understanding of your needs.

We understand that product durability and stock continuity are key to fulfilling your housing targets and maintenance obligations – so, from day one, your dedicated Account Manager will ensure that your project runs smoothly.

We also provide unrivalled logistical support and contractor training, advising on everything from bathroom safety to reliable pipework connections.

And because we also understand that tenants’ needs can be complex, our expertise covers all abilities, with our Doc.M packs for the less abled, as well as stainless steel baths and anti-vandal solutions.

This unique level of understanding is the reason we’re trusted by social housing providers all over the UK.

News from the Sector

12th December is a huge day for the UK. Many changes, some more drastic than others, are coming our way and each party has some very interesting policies that will have a direct effect on social housing. Below, we have listed some of the key points from the manifesto’s that we feel you should be aware of before making the big decision:


Liberal Democrats:

  • Generate 80% of electricity from renewables
  • Build 300,000 new homes a year

Green Party:

  • Fund local councils to deliver additional social housing in their area (over 100,000 new homes a year nationally) through sustainable construction, renovation and conversion
  • Set more affordable rent rates for social housing tenants in their area by lifting the local housing allowance and reconnecting it to average area rents.


  • Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
  • Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.


  • Drive up living standards by transforming our economy into one low in carbon, rich in good jobs, radically fairer and more democratic.
  • We will use the power of public procurement to strengthen local jobs and supply chains and will require all companies bidding for public contracts to recognise trade unions, pay suppliers on time and demonstrate equalities best practice.


In Other News

The judge leading the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Sir Martin Moore-Bick has recently released his highly anticipated phase one report, outlining a series of recommendations for the social housing sector. Amongst these, one of significant importance is that building owners should be required by law to develop evacuation plans for all high-rise buildings. You can read the full report HERE

CHIC Conference 2020


We are very excited to announce that we have secured a date for our annual CHIC Conference. Taking place on Wednesday 10th June at Sixways Stadium in Worcester, our free conference and exhibition will continue to bring together members of the social housing community to educate, network and drive the sector in the right direction.

We have a lot of exciting new ways to make our one-day event even more special than ever before so be sure to keep a close eye on your emails and social media for updates @chicltd.

If you would like to secure your place, please contact Curtis Coulson or complete the online registration form HERE



BBC Home Editor Mark Easton has become a highly valued staple at our annual conferences.  No matter the current state of social housing, he continues to bring positivity and ask the difficult questions that are required to drive the sector forwards. “I always look forward to my annual pilgrimage to the Sixways. I would be delighted to come to your anniversary party”.