What’s Happening at CHIC?

CHIC’s new website will be launched in July with a whole new look and feel.

As part of this exercise, we plan to include a new members and supply chain page, displaying your organisations key objectives and values to encourage collaboration and new business opportunities.

In preparation for this we will be collating information from each of our members and supply chain partners. For any organisations who have not yet provided content we will check that we can extract relevant information from your own websites. This can be updated at any point preceding or following the launch. Any other relevant forms of short media such as images, videos and testimonials are also welcome.

If you would like to provide content, please get in touch at



In Other News


  • CHIC builds social value targets into all of our members contracts. This ensures that our contractors and supply chain partners deliver consistent, measurable training and employment outcomes proportional to the value of contracts awarded through CHIC. For 2020 CHIC has also directly sponsored 22 people into new jobs who were previously distant from the workplace, in partnership with 2 local employment groups. CHIC is pleased to report that 19 of the 22 were retained for beyond 26 weeks, an 86% retention rate.
  • Along with most organisations in the UK, the CHIC team has been required to adapt to more agile working practices, carrying out the majority of tasks from home and becoming avid users of video conferencing. The CHIC team is still to full capacity to assist with your organisation’s needs.

COVID-19 Business as Usual?

Do we need to rethink how we work?

Many organisations will be granted permission to reopen from 15th June. Restrictions on how we are allowed to interact are soon to be eased and regular work streams can pick back up. Furloughed staff are already starting to return to work and there will undoubtedly be a big back-log to come back to.

The affordable housing sector is still seeing emergency repairs and external works taking priority as social distancing measures are predicted to be here for the foreseeable future.  Planned works are also beginning to start back up, but we are still a way away from things returning to normal.

This is a key question for us all, “is returning to business as usual the right approach?” Organisations across the UK have been encouraged to adapt to the market and change the way they operate to adhere to a changing world.

  • Operatives now ‘click and collect’ materials
  • Management and support staff working from home
  • PPE means much more than it used to
  • How we work and interact in offices, customer homes and factories feels very different

COVID-19 has undoubtedly had a negative impact on the housing sector and particularly contractors and the supply chain, with development and asset management projects being put on hold. But it has brought with it some long-term benefits. It has proven that clients and service providers are able to adapt quickly to tough situations and some have been able to thrive. We are all having to reassess how our organisations operate and continue to provide great services, whilst ensuring the wellbeing of customers and staff.



The No Access Dilemma


Contractors are seeing an increased level of ‘no access’ properties. COVID-19 has raised understandable concerns for many tenants, who need to be reassured that access to works are safe.

Misinformation can be common whether this comes from the news, social media or word of mouth. Therefore, good and regular communication is key in ensuring that tenants know the procedures contractors are required to follow when undertaking internal and external works.

We are all ‘finding or way’. But to catch up on the backlog of repairs and to kick start planned investment, residents need to trust the operatives and the clients and contractors need to safeguard residents and staff.

If you would like to share how you are managing the access issues, please get in touch


COVID-19 Housing Association Survey

The level of disruption COVID-19 differs for each organisation. With restrictions being slowly relaxed and various work streams being phased back into the ‘new normal’, we want to understand the key issues that are currently being faced to help plan for the future, services CHIC might have to provide.
We would appreciate it if you could take 2 minutes to fill out our MEMBER SURVEY. All submissions will be reported anonymously and be used to inform where CHIC needs to deliver a service.

Virtual Board Meetings

The coronavirus lockdown has already led to huge changes, with remote working being the ‘new norm’. The advantages of virtual board meetings have been widely promoted in the press and on social media. Organisational leaders must adapt quickly to hold meetings and make high quality, inclusive decisions remotely.

Running remote meetings isn't just about video conferencing tools and conference calls, security of information is also a priority with confidential meeting packs often held behind multiple layers of encryption. To preserve productivity and ensure value you need to handle papers, agendas, decisions and tasks in a secure and efficient way.

Decision Time Meetings is central to a suite of governance, risk and performance tools. It simplifies meeting management, increases productivity, reduces costs and supports good governance. Meeting attendees can read and annotate their meeting packs easily, assign tasks, share notes, have conversations with colleagues and record their decisions. All of this in one simple interface on a tablet, laptop or desktop.

Attendees can read and easily annotate documents, assign tasks, share notes and interact with colleagues in a secure online tool.

CHIC has managing agent ARK Consultancy, working with Decision Time, which will fund access to Meetings until the end of September 2020. After that time, you can decide if you want to keep using it, with no obligation to buy.

The system can be set up in 24 hours and contains quick start guides and training videos to get you up and running. To provide additional support we can also deliver free webinar training for meeting organisers / administrators.

For more information contact Sarah Williams or Kieran Colgan at ARK at /

If you would like to discuss any of the content in this months newsletter or to contribute to a future edition, please feel free to get in touch