CHIC Conference 2022


We are delighted to announce that our next annual CHIC Conference & Exhibition 2022 will be taking place on Thursday 16th June at Sixways Stadium, Worcester. Please save the date.
Our theme this year is: Planning Ahead For Housing
The housing and construction sectors face some big challenges. We have cost inflation, material and labour shortages, the need to reduce carbon emissions and a housing shortage. We need to invest in our current homes and build many new ones. Efficient response to all of these challenges reflect CHIC’s services to support members.
At the 2022 CHIC Conference we want to look ahead. What should the plan be for asset management and development investment to ensure what we do now is really going to be fit for the future?
Our workshops will be delivered by experts from the housing and construction sectors who will review the latest thinking and consider how you can utilise this within your own organisations to help contribute to a more sustainable future.
We were delighted to hear all of the great feedback from the 2021 conference, thank you. We have taken your comments and suggestions on board.
“Well organised with great speakers, facilities and hospitality”
This year, delegates can look forward to a great line up of speakers who will have more time to present their sessions, as well as more time for their Q&A. We will share the full programme with you soon.
REGISTER AS A DELEGATE (Attendance is free)
Exhibiting suppliers
By popular demand we are returning to Worcester Warriors. Exhibitors will have increased options for stand spaces at more strategic locations, to allow for more networking opportunities. There is a wider range of sponsorship options available.
For more information on exhibiting or sponsorship opportunities please contact Curtis Coulson @

2021 Round Up

Despite the challenges surrounding covid-19, 2021 was a successful year for CHIC both in terms of consortium growth and in supporting our members and partners through challenging times.

We thought we’d give a quick overview of some of the 2021 successes.


Expanding the CHIC Team

We welcomed six new CHIC team members in 2021, all of whom are now settled into their new positions and actively supporting our supply chain partners and members.


Changes to our Board

We said goodbye to Ian Hancock as Vice Chair in September and we also said farewell to founding chair Andy Howarth who had followed his term as chair as a board cooptee.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Andy and Ian for their immense contributions to CHIC’s growth and service development.

A long term CHIC director David Wells (Executive Director of Operations at the Wrekin Housing Group) has been appointed as the new Vice Chair and Natalie Baxter (Head of Property Compliance at Community Housing) has been appointed as a director.

CHIC’s Board is made up primarily of members and we are delighted to welcome Natalie as a member director, bringing building safety knowledge and expertise to the Board.


New Services

With new terminology developing in the housing sector, we wanted our services to describe the full breadth of what CHIC can now offer as well as appealing to other sectors including health care, blue light organisations and charities. Our Decarbonisation & Renewables, Technology Solutions and Facilities Management services are now accessible to all members.


Dynamic Purchasing System

CHIC now has an established a Dynamic Purchasing System as an important alternative route to market. This provides a flexible electronic tender solution for CHIC’s asset management, development and facilities management services, which amongst many other needs helps members with compliant procurement where S.20 leaseholder consultation is required.


New Frameworks & Contracts

As our membership has progressively grown over the past year, so has the need for a more diverse suite of options to meet project requirements. In 2021 we introduced 13 new frameworks and contracts.


Sponsoring Apprentices

Community investment and delivering social value are core to CHIC’s objectives. In 2021 CHIC supported 8 apprentices through local employment groups. This will increase to 30 in 2022.


CHIC Webinars & Website

We continued our successful series of webinars into 2021, and updated our website to optimise the content for members.


The CHIC Order Management System (COMS)

We launched a browser-based ordering solution that features programme and catalogue management for members, as well as a platform to make and receive orders for contractors and suppliers.


Membership Growth

CHIC now has 206 members, an increase from just over 100 in 2020.


So, 2021 was a busy year on many fronts, with lots of change and service development. This puts CHIC in a strong position to support our members during 2022 and beyond.

If you have any ideas on how CHIC can better it’s service offerings, please get in touch at

We look forward to our continued growth and service delivery in 2022 and wish all our members and partners a happy new year! 

Merchant Services

CHIC launched a new Merchant Services Framework in March 2019. Special dispensation was sought to procure an 8-year framework (4 years longer than standard) in recognition of the investment required by both members and merchants in the service solution, often resulting in the requirement for longer term partnering contracts to be put in place and reflecting the need for IT systems integration.

Merchant services continue to be an integral part of the service offering CHIC provides to its members. Since the current framework went live in 2019, it has grown in both the number of contracts trading and the number of new enquiries received. Much of this is down to the level of expert support provided through the Merchant and Supply Chain Management Team, supplemented with the comprehensive level of reporting CHIC can now provide to its members.

The framework includes 4 separate Lots (separated for England and Wales)

  • Lot 1:     Plumbing
  • Lot 2:     Electrical
  • Lot 3:     General Building (Optional Plumbing and Electrical)
  • Lot 4:     Managed Stores (Optional Plumbing and Electrical)

Where a direct award is required, CHIC works with each individual member to develop the business case, to test if a direct award is justifiable, based upon a range of relevant criteria, which are set out in the Framework Agreement. Where a mini competition is preferred, CHIC has developed and can adapt a suite of standard documents to suit the individual requirements of its members.



In 2021, CHIC identified that some of our members required a more dynamic Merchant solution, that allowed them to engage with and catalogue manage more specialised local suppliers. In order to support this, a new Merchant DPS was set up with a Lot structure designed to attract more specialist suppliers. The DPS enables CHIC to target local suppliers in the following categories:

  • Plumbing
  • Plumbing & Heating (Specialist Sanitary Ware)
  • Electrical (Specialist M&E equipment)
  • General Electrical
  • General Builders
  • General Builder (one-stop-shop)
  • Managed Stores
  • Flooring
  • Roofing
  • Ironmongery
  • Glazing
  • Timber
  • Tiles
  • Painting & Decorating



CHIC manages a comprehensive price catalogue for each merchant, to offer members volume discounts and benchmarked value for money on all the materials and parts most commonly used for responsive repairs and planned investment works. CHIC reviews manufacturers and suppliers prices regularly to keep members in touch with the latest top products and cost trends.

Each month, CHIC’s members using this managed merchants framework will receive a detailed analysis of spend with tips on more cost-effective products and options to help stay within budget.

CHIC’s approach helps members to increase the productivity of repairs teams, adding frequently used items to van stocks, to increase the number of jobs each operative can complete in a working day. Time saved on travelling to and from the store increases efficiency and reduces cost. Monthly management information helps to add regularly purchased items to van stocks, to increase the number of jobs an operative can complete in a working day.

Receiving a monthly merchant report allows members to:

  • Ensure that reports provided by merchants are representative of the services they receive.
  • Ensure that pricing levels are respected and that any overcharges can be recovered in a timely manner.
  • Ensure that a communication line is always maintained with manufacturers in order to support planned and responsive maintenance programmes.

The Merchant Report allows members to analyse keys sets of data to highlight key savings opportunities and better manage spend. Key information includes:

  • Spend breakdown
  • Price Compliance & Credits
  • Catalogue Spend
  • Savings
  • Operative Spend behaviour
  • Supplier KPIs'

If you would like to find out more about CHIC’s Merchant Services, please get in touch with our Head of Merchant Services Giles Newman



When specifying building products for social housing projects it can be a balancing act to ensure that residents needs are fulfilled, as well as meeting budgetary requirements and ensuring the highest standards of safety and technology.

Methven, the global designer and manufacturer of premium showers, has a significant thermostatic shower portfolio to help specifiers provide safe solutions for affordable housing.
There isn’t always a ‘one type fits all’ approach when it comes to social housing, as there can be many complex needs to consider, but by investing in thermostatic showers it is a guaranteed way to ensure the safety of residents, as well as providing an easy to use showering solution.
Thermostatic bath shower mixers provide the best of both worlds, offering a singular, cost-effective solution as you don’t need to purchase a separate bath tap and shower. This in turn reduces installation time for the professional as well. Additional benefits to using a thermostatic product are that they are the most reliable type of set-up, as a thermostatic valve provides precise control over two important factors: temperature and water flow rate.
Thermostatic mixers maintain an exact water temperature and will automatically protect the end user from any sudden changes to the water supply. Sudden changes in the temperature of the water are normally caused by the flushing of a toilet or when another tap is used within the household. Having a thermostatic shower brings added peace of mind, as it is designed with anti-scald safety technology, which is perfect for residents with children or elderly family members.
Thermostatic Bath Shower Mixers by Methven are set at 38 degrees by default but can be overridden when necessary. For added peace of mind, it holds the Independent Safety Certification TMV2, meaning high standards of thermostatic protection and suitability for use in the home.
Alongside the bath shower mixer Methven offers an easy to fit shower kit and a stylish Kiri handset. The handset includes Methven’s patented and award winning Satinjet® technology. The Low Flow Kiri handset is optimised to operate at just 6 litres per minute, the twin-jet spray technology creates the optimum water droplet size and pressure, offering 300,000 droplets a second so there is no compromise on the showering experience. The handset can also help save up to 50% on energy costs and up to 55% on the cost of water used in the shower, ultimately helping to reduce utility bills for the homeowner. To complement the bath shower mixer, we recommend our Deva by Methven Insignia basin taps with an inclusive lever handle design which is easy to operate. To maintain water efficiency levels in the property these can be fitted with water saving flow regulators.
For complete peace of mind Methven offer comprehensive warranties. Thermostatic bath shower mixers come with a five-year guarantee and Methven offer a lifetime warranty on the Kiri handsets. Deva by Methven basin taps have a 12-year guarantee. Furthermore, Methven stocks a comprehensive range of spare parts, meaning elements can easily be changed without replacing the whole product.

Retrofitting Challenge

Developing carbon efficient homes is essential to meeting the Governments net zero carbon targets. Arguably though the greater challenge lies with the decarbonisation of existing homes, to ensure they are fit for the future. Compliantly commissioning retrofit programmes is critical to ensure that works are delivered in the right way, not only to meet the net zero targets but also to contractually protect contracting authorities and ensure a positive customer experience.

Government research shows that 40% of UK Carbon emissions are generated in the home and to sufficiently reduce this retrofit works would cost on average £9k per property. However, further independent research concludes the cost may be significantly higher than Government estimates, potentially costing between £19k and £25k per property. Whatever the final cost the contracting authorities must find a way to navigate the complexities associated with delivering these multifaceted programmes of work.


The Challenges

This rapidly evolving market is experiencing a flood of new entrants, new technologies and new ways of working with the introduction of PAS2035. Procuring these services compliantly presents a unique challenge for procurement professionals. Specifications are under developed, new entrants have no track record or may not meet minimum financial thresholds, operating models are untested in the sector and new technologies need to be futureproof and not limited to todays technology. 

Furthermore, procurement professionals need to select and operate the correct contractual arrangements to manage liabilities, insurance levels and length of warranties that protect the contracting authority and ultimately the customer. All this whilst demonstrating value for money under current PCR2015 regulations and best practice guidance.


Available Routes to Market

There are several routes to market contracting authorities can choose, each having it’s individual benefits and drawbacks.

A single source one stop shop contract to deliver the whole retrofit agenda can offer benefits to contracting authorities. It removes the risk around liability and insurance levels and can encourage partnering arrangements between authorities and the contracting market. However, this route to market can be time consuming to develop, especially given the uncertainty in the current retrofit market and limited competition in contractors who can deliver this one stop shop service.

Developing a service model that not only meets an authority’s immediate requirements but is flexible enough to adopt future best practice and technologies as the market matures, and still remain PCR2015 compliant represents a significant challenge under a one stop shop approach.

A framework allows for multiple contractors to be awarded and called off over a four-year period. Frameworks can be split into specific workstream lots and specifications can be more universal to encompass multiple scenarios that can be tested through further competitions as specific works are commissioned. However, the initial evaluation process and the requirement for further competitions can be time consuming under current regulations and, once developed, a framework is fixed for its duration. This prevents new entrants from joining and bidding for work. Contractual terms need to be defined upfront and are also fixed for the duration of the framework.

The flexibility of frameworks to adapt as market forces change is limited and could restrict authorities from achieving best value in the future.

Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) may offer a solution to the sector to meet both current and future procurement needs. As with frameworks, a DPS can be split into lots enabling specific works to be commissioned as required, or a one stop shop solution procured. Unlike a framework a DPS is much more flexible, allowing contractors and suppliers to join at any time, for free, with no maximum duration on how long a DPS is in place for. It is a completely electronic process, cutting down on the paper and ‘red tape’ that comes with a typical procurement exercise, fitting in with the emerging greener themes. Authorities can utilise the DPS at any time, utilising as much or as little as required.

Contracting arrangements are executed through PCR2015 compliant ‘mini’ competitions, including the ability to satisfy Section 20 requirements, giving authorities flexibility to tailor their requirements as necessary and ensure they account for market changes, best practice guidance and demonstrate ongoing value for money. A DPS provides a very cost-efficient solution through economies of scale and due to the nature of a DPS, progressively approving new providers, it drives further competition and a more competitive price point.


Role of Consortia

Contracting authorities are not alone on their journey to achieving net zero and do not have to work in isolation to navigate the complexities of procuring retrofit programmes. Partnering with a consortium offers many benefits not least of which is access to pre-established routes to market which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the authority.

CHIC offers a unique service to support the retrofit zero carbon agenda. The team at CHIC is not just procurement professionals but also asset management professionals, enabling CHIC to offer not only compliant routes to market but also critical advice on the best operating and contracting solutions.

Along with our extensive range of traditional frameworks, CHIC is also establishing a new innovative DPS solution structured to deliver all retrofit services, whether commissioned individually, bundled together or under a one stop shop solution.

Working across the contracting and supply market gives CHIC invaluable insight into how the sector is evolving and how best practice, both in terms of delivery models and technology, is being applied both now and for the future protection of our planet.


NHMF Conference

We are delighted to be returning to the National Housing Maintenance Forum’s annual conference this year on 25th and 26th January. We are looking forward to catching up with our members and supply chain partners over the two days and to promote the latest developments and services CHIC provides.

CHIC will be on Stand 24. Come and say hello.

Register your place and find out more

This NHMF annual conference is devoted to housing maintenance and run by maintenance professionals. It covers strategic issues, provides an opportunity for networking and focuses on promoting best practice.

Key themes that will be addressed this year

  • Technology & Innovation
  • Leadership & Talent Retention
  • Asset management
  • Carbon Net-Zero
  • Resident Safety

News From the Sector

This article provides some of the key headlines from the past month in the housing and construction sectors.


Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Michael Gove has warned developers that they must pay to fix the cladding crisis that they caused as he overhauls the Government’s approach to building safety. He has written to the industry giving them a deadline of early March to agree a fully funded plan of action, including remediating unsafe cladding on 11-18 meter buildings, currently estimated to be £4 billion.

Read More


The 300,000 homes-a-year target is at risk until labour shortages, policy confusion and the lack of skilled planning staff are addressed, a House of Lords committee warned UK government. “Too many people currently live in expensive, unsuitable and poor-quality homes, and housing supply needs to be increased now to tackle the housing crisis.”

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The Regulator of Social Housing has published its 2021 Global Accounts, a financial overview of the social housing sector for the year ending 31 March 2021. The report shows that the sector demonstrated a resilient financial performance in the face of testing economic and operating circumstances.

Read More


Mental Health First Aid Training

CHIC’s managing agent ARK Consultancy is continuing with their popular Ark Academy training sessions, at a discounted rate for CHIC members in 2022.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is for anyone who would like to support colleagues facing mental health issues and improve understanding and attitudes towards mental health in the workplace. The course is a blend of 4 live online training sessions (which range from 1 – 2.5 hours) and self-learning activities, spread across 2 weeks. With the applied discount, this will be at the reduced price of £196 + VAT.



  • Session 1 – 26th January 2022 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Session 2 – 28th January 2022 at 9:00 am -11.30 am
  • Session 3 – 2nd February 2022 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Session 4 – 4th February 2022 at 9:00 am – 11:00 am.



This course is designed to teach how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and provide help on a first aid basis. It also provides people with the tools to support their own mental health and that of their colleagues.



  • an in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of a range of mental health issues
  • confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress using the mental health first aid action plan
  • enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • knowledge to help someone recover by guiding them to further support, including self-help resources, internal support such as EAP, or external sources such as their GP.

On completion you will be a certified Mental Health First Aider.

If you would like to book your place or find out more, please send an email to Joanne Turley

Or you can book directly on the ARK Academy website using reference ‘CHIC’ to apply the discount at


Recruitment at CHIC

We are pleased to announce that CHIC has two exciting new job opportunities to join our growing procurement team.


Procurement Officer

This is a key role within the CHIC Business Support Team, supporting the delivery of our procurement activities.

The post-holder will support the Head of Procurement & Commercial to plan, manage, administer and deliver the compliant procurement of new framework agreements, long term contracts and a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), with support from CHIC team colleagues and member representatives. 

The post-holder will provide support to CHIC’s Head of Procurement & Commercial to:

  • Administer all procurement activity through the Delta E-Portal, including management of all day-to-day framework and DPS mini-competition activities
  • Maintain all call-off contract and DPS records and updates as required
  • Provide general administrative support and document management for all of CHIC’s procurement activities.


Procurement Manager - Wales

The post-holder will support the Head of Procurement to:

  • Plan all procurement activity as required by our members in Wales
  • Produce compliant tender packs that meet the specific requirements of our members
  • Manage the resulting tender processes
  • Ensure compliant administration of all procurement activity
  • Produce call-off contracts upon final award of a tender 

The post-holder will manage all DPS mini-competition activities in Wales and maintain all DPS records and updates as required.

The post-holder will report on the procurement activity delivered in Wales, keeping accurate records for reporting:

  • Scope of services being procured
  • Value of contracts being raised
  • Accurate records on the supply chain being awarded works, including direct impact on the Welsh economy
  • Geographical location of works that are being delivered
  • Feedback from members on supply chain performance

Ideally, CHIC would like to appoint a Welsh speaking procurement professional to this role.


If you would like to apply or find out more, please send an email to  


The closing date for both applications in Monday 7th February.