
CHIC’s Board held its quarterly meeting on 6th July, following a strategic awayday in Mid-June. Key updates are:
Board Membership:
3 current member representative directors were elected to serve for another three year term:
David Wells – Wrekin Housing Trust
Jayne Bissell – Connexus
Leon Storer – Stonewater
2 Independent directors were elected and serve for another 3 year term:
Maggie Punyer
Sarah Payling – Ocean Media
Ian Davies, EMH, was appointed as a new member representative director.
Amanda Long was appointed as a new director and the Chair Elect – she will take over the Chairs role in June 2024.
Board Skills:
With these appointments, the Board reviewed their collective skills and were confident that their combined expertise provides a strong strategic leadership and assurance platform for CHIC, representing members interests.
Mission, Vision and Values:
At the Board awayday, directors and the senior management team had recognised CHIC’s mission in the context of over a decade of steady growth. At the Board meeting it was described that CHIC is best described as:
CHIC is a collaborative, not for profit, member owned and governed consortium that delivers compliant procurement solutions and commercial support to our members in partnership with the supply chain. We secure savings for our members and are committed to the delivery of improved environmental outcomes and added social value through all that we do.
Against this background, the Board adapted the below mission, vision and values:
To work collaboratively with our members and supply chain partners, to deliver efficiencies through high quality asset management procurement and commercial services.
To improve our members homes and communities as asset management experts that provide great procurement services, delivering savings, driving sustainability, embracing new technology and delivering added social value.
CHIC’s service delivery is shaped by our values:
We will deploy our asset management and procurement expertise to understand our members requirements and we will deliver excellent service support, from project inception to completion.
We will work primarily in the social housing sector, supporting our members to ensure that their customers live in safe and decent homes and communities. We care about the people we work with and will be supportive and professional in all that we do.
CHIC is a member owned and governed not for profit consortium. Our services must deliver net savings for our members, through the economies of scale created by both efficient procurement solutions and effective commercial support.
We will work with our members and supply chain partners to maintain a wide range of contract options and apply these flexibly so we can tailor solutions to individual members needs. We will embrace new ideas and technologies.
CHIC will act as a knowledge hub for our members, using our collaborative network to help our partners to share and learn. Social value is inherent in all of our activities and we will be proactive in supporting employment, training and community support initiatives.
Budget for 2023/24
The budget for 2023/24 was reviewed and approved, noting future year on year growth.

Member Feedback

Member and Supplier Feedback Survey 2023: Highlights and Service Improvement
Fusion Insight & Strategy conducted a survey on behalf of CHIC from late April to early June 2023, to gather feedback from CHIC’s members and suppliers. The survey was well received with many more of our stakeholders providing feedback compared to previous years.

Key Findings:
Satisfaction: Both members and suppliers expressed satisfaction with their experience of CHIC. There were particularly high scores from our supply chain, expressing an appreciation for the dedication of our supply chain team.
Advocacy: The net promoter score, which measures the likelihood of recommending CHIC, was positive for both members and suppliers.
Likelihood of renewal: Members and suppliers also rated their likelihood of continuing to work with CHIC as high. Feedback on the reasons for this included great usability, customer experience, support, commercial outcomes (for suppliers) and value for money.
Positive Feedback: The majority of words associated with CHIC were positive, associated with general communication, knowledge, a friendly and helpful team, ease of use, support in the tender process and networking events.

Areas for Improvement:
Some respondents mentioned areas that CHIC could improve, such as capacity (not enough people), specific communication during a tender process, having regular client/contractor meetings, ease of use of the CHIC eSourcing platform and providing more detailed information on frameworks.
Feedback from members and suppliers also highlighted the need for more communication, including face to face and telephone interaction. They also emphasized the importance of speed of response, more diverse frameworks and greater value of membership.
Other Insights:
• 81% of respondents found it clear what CHIC offers.
• 61% of respondents considered it important that CHIC is a member owned and governed organisation, with members valuing this aspect more than suppliers.
• The member relationship with CHIC was generally positive but not strongly defined.
• Suppliers also had a positive relationship with CHIC.
• Members and suppliers agreed that working with CHIC had value.
• Some suppliers expressed having a limited number of opportunities and chances of securing projects through CHIC's frameworks.
To enhance customer experience, CHIC will focus on ensuring a pleasant experience for all stakeholders. Overall, members and suppliers expressed satisfaction with CHIC, but there is still room for improvement. The CHIC team was praised for its friendliness, knowledge and approachability.
CHIC greatly appreciates this feedback and will work towards implementing changes to meet the expectations of our key stakeholders.
Many thanks to all of those that contributed to this important annual survey. Please feel free to get in touch with us at if you missed out or want to provide further feedback
Congratulations to the 3 winners of the £50 Amazon Vouchers for completing the survey.




The Procurement bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons with various amendments, on 13 June 2023. It is still expected to receive the Royal Assent in 2023 but at the moment procurement professionals, contracting authorities and suppliers alike are being asked to provide further comments on specific areas of the bill including:
• Scope of Light Touch Regime contracts and Reservable Light Touch Services
• Exempt Contracts: Vertical and Horizontal Activities Calculations
• Exempt contracts: Utilities Intra -Group Turnover Calculations
• Utility Turnover and supply tests
• Intra UK Procurement
• Definitions of Central Government Authority and Works for Thresholds
• Dissapplication of Section 17 of the Local Government Act 1988 and the
• Dissapplication in regard to NHS Procurement
Views are sought on whether the policy intent has been reflected in the draft regulations, hence it is important to read the Draft Regulations first before responding to the consultation. Deadline is by 28 July 2023.
CHIC is reviewing the consultation documents and will provide input based on our experience.
If you have any questions on how this new reading will affect your organisation, or for any other queries, please get in touch with a member of the CHIC Procurement Team




CHIC Members save up to 37% on the cost of conveyancing searches and gain greater portfolio visibility with intelligent data insights and analysis.SearchFlow’s Conveyancing Search Framework benefits all CHIC Members by reducing the disbursement fees for conveyancing searches by up to 37%.

The Conveyancing Framework enables CHIC members and their legal teams to access all elements of conveyancing search data with enhanced PII cover of up to £20m and backed up by SearchFlow’s multi award winning customer service.

CHIC members can benefit from these cost savings by either accessing SearchFlow’s services directly or by instructing one of the law firms on the CHIC Legal Framework.

Why partner with SearchFlow?SearchFlow informs and empowers social housing providers when it comes to:• Portfolio visibility• New build targets• Decarbonisation• Retrofit• Net zero and climate change• EPC Data and environmental risk analysis

Working with SearchFlow gives you access to a wealth of geospatial data to effectively manage your assets and streamline the way you work. SearchFlow enables their customers to understand and analyse risk across your entire property portfolios with summarised and granular data at your fingertips.

As part of Landmark Information Group, SearchFlow has access to an extensive wealth of data that is used across the property industry, every day, by developers, property lawyers, environmental consultants, estate agents, surveyors, architects and planners to help with confident decision making and property transactions.

Take a look at how our Geodata Team improved the management and insight of Wakefield District Housing’s portfolio here.

Meet The TeamThe SearchFlow Team will be exhibiting at the CHIC Conference and Exhibition on 24th May at Telford International Centre. We will be on Stand 8 so please feel free to come and have a chat with us.

Contact usIf you’d like any further information, or to speak with one of our team, you can contact us on 0800 977 8818 or email our team.





Register Your Interest for Priority Booking in the CHIC Pavilion at HOMES UK
22-23 November 2023, ExCel London
We are excited to announce that CHIC will be hosting the Pavilion 'CHIC Community' once again at this years highly anticipated HOMES UK event, taking place on 22nd and 23rd November within the Unlock Net Zero Live area. With a strong focus on providing an exceptional experience for both exhibitors and delegates, we have taken your feedback from last year into account and made changes to the layout, facilities and promotional materials.
One of our primary goals this year is to encourage more personal connections and engagement with delegates. To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, we will be setting up a dedicated cafe area, offering complimentary coffee and refreshments. As with last year, we hope this will attract a steady flow of attendees, providing you with valuable networking opportunities.
Your space within the CHIC Pavilion will again be a turn-up-and-go approach, taking away most the tedious work of setting up your stand. But you will benefit from a professional environment to meet and greet delegates.
To enhance your visibility and recognition, we are pleased to list all our exhibitors as CHIC Partners on our new website. You will also be listed on the official HOMES UK website as an individual exhibitor, capitalising on all the usual exposure and promotion by Ocean Media, maximizing your reach and create a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.
By expressing your interest through our "Register Your Interest" booking form, you will secure priority booking when the official stand spaces are released. This means you will have the first opportunity to secure your preferred location within the CHIC Pavilion, ensuring optimal visibility and footfall.
To register your interest and secure your spot at the CHIC Pavilion, simply fill out the booking form. You can also find some more information on our website at
Please note that spaces are limited and we operate on a first come, first served basis. This opportunity is exclusively available to CHIC supply chain partner organisations, so be sure to act swiftly to secure your space within the CHIC Pavilion.
If you have any questions or require further information please contact us at



Unlocking Net Zero


Unlocking Net Zero: How CHIC's Frameworks and DPS Solutions Accelerate the Journey to a Sustainable Housing Sector
As the world works towards a net zero future, the public housing sector's role in combating climate change has become increasingly evident, with around 20% of carbon emissions in the UK coming from homes.
With the 2030 EPC C target and then the 2050 zero carbon goals fast approaching, CHIC through its Decarbonisation and Renewables service is actively driving the transition to sustainable and decarbonised homes for its member organisations. With an extensive range of frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems (DPS) in place, CHIC provides an efficient and comprehensive route to market for social housing landlords.
Building Sustainable Foundations
CHIC's diverse range of frameworks, including all Building Works, Consultancy, Conveyancing, Digital Asset Delivery, Fire Door Sets, Merchants, Roofing Systems, Newbuild and Windows & Doors, offers a rounded approach to sustainability in the housing sector. These frameworks provide social housing landlords with access to a carefully vetted selection of suppliers and contractors who adhere to the highest standards of quality, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. By utilising these frameworks, CHIC ensures that every aspect of the built environment aligns with sustainable principles, accelerating the adoption of eco-friendly practices. CHIC’s frameworks are published as unranked, providing the flexibility you need to work with the right suppliers for you.
Dynamic Purchasing Systems: A Catalyst for Change
CHIC's DPS serve as a catalyst for innovation and efficiency in the housing sector. A flexible alternative route to market, a DPS is an open ended electronic system meaning new suppliers can join at any time. CHIC streamlines the procurement process, eliminating complexities and accelerating the implementation of sustainability initiatives whilst delivering critical asset management works.
Efficient Route to Market
Through their frameworks and DPS solutions, CHIC offers social housing landlords an efficient route to market for sustainable solutions. By pre-qualifying suppliers and contractors based on their expertise, track record and commitment to sustainability, CHIC ensures that social housing landlords can access the most reliable and environmentally conscious service providers. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures that projects are executed with the utmost efficiency and effectiveness.
Collaborative Approach
CHIC's commitment to collaboration is instrumental in driving the adoption of sustainable practices in the housing sector. By fostering effective partnerships with both social housing landlords and the supply chain through a fully managed procurement process, CHIC creates a collaborative network that promotes knowledge sharing, innovation and the collective drive towards a net zero housing sector. Through this collaboration, CHIC empowers social housing landlords to make informed decisions, develop sustainable strategies and successfully implement decarbonisation initiatives.
Healthy Homes Framework
The CHIC Healthy Homes Framework is an upcoming route to market for delivering retrofit energy efficiency measures and refurbishment works. The framework will cover various retrofit and building safety solutions such as consultancy services, fabric first measures, ventilation systems, renewable energy and heat systems, whole house refurbishment as well as digital measuring tools and platforms to help measure the effectiveness of the installed measures.
Luke Hurd, Chief Operating Officer said “This new framework is highly sought after by our members, therefore we have taken great steps to ensure that it is all encompassing and meets our members requirements. We look forward to its release in the coming months and are confident that this will help create a more sustainable future, improving the lives of many UK residents”
CHIC's comprehensive frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems provide an efficient route to market for social housing landlords on their journey towards a net zero housing sector. By using carefully procured frameworks and DPS solutions, CHIC ensures that sustainability is at the core of every housing project. Through collaboration, innovation and a steadfast commitment to sustainability, CHIC is contributing towards a greener and more environmentally conscious future for the housing sector.


News from the Supply Chain


YESSS Electricals most recent innovation is the SMART Storage Solution. SMART Storage Solutions is the new revolutionary, access controlled, highly secure, unmanned storeroom designed to successfully manage and control usage of stock, right at the heart of where it is required.
This essentially provides an automated ‘Stores’ function but without:
• Using costly warehouse space
• Requiring onsite personnel to issue stock
• Any limitation to hours of operation
SMART Storage Solution is a new state of the art way of securing onsite stock. YESSS would provide the customer with a Smart container or alternatively just a ‘Smart Pod’ to be used in conjunction with their own secure store room. The container/store is filled with the most frequently purchased products based on the customers own spend data. Using Cameras and RFID Scanners, the products that are removed will then be debited directly from the customers YESSS account. These offer engineers and contractors the ability to restock without the need for them to leave site. Through usage of the pod and YESSS’s ground-breaking “Smart Replen+” stock management system, Max/Min stock levels will be set, with automated replenishment via YESSS National Distribution Centre (NDC) in Normanton in conjunction with the local YESSS branch.
Our specialist software gives the customer full control to who has access to the Smart Storage Solution. Approved Engineers are provided with a QR code via the YESSS App (available on Android and IOS), allowing 24/7 access to the container. Upon accessing the container, they remove the products that they require at that time and leave, the container will perform an automated scan on exit, establishing the SKU’s and quantities that have been removed and generating a replenishment order for re-supply and then lock securely. A notification is sent to the user upon leaving the POD via the Yesss App and the notification will include the advice note for goods removed. YESSS is able to offer full transparency and reporting via periodic MI report for container orders, with the engineer ID, order references and any other pertinent information that needs to be captured, and product usage recorded. Whilst the engineer is in the container there are full safety precautions in place including:
• Physical door lock release (no power required)
• Smoke detection housed within Comms cupboard
• No activity timer activates the Man Down Alarm - Electronic Door Release/Siren/Email & Text Notification
The stock held in the Smart Store is secure, with a number of security measures taken to ensure that all risks are mitigated:
• Two security cameras, one mounted inside the POD and one mounted on the rear
• 90 day video recovery
• Static photograph taken on entry
SMART Storage Solutions is not a 3rd party product, but an enterprise level asset management system developed by YESSS IT engineers and software developers with full integration to YESSS Software. This seamlessly links any integration between a customer’s housing management / P2P software and Yesss software and as such continues to facilitate any PO verification, Operative validation & PO generation, as if the transaction were completed in branch. We believe this optional functionality, along with immediate access to your own personal stores, will have a positive effect on efficiencies and contribute hugely to operational savings without sacrificing on any other part of the P2P process.
Keeping track of consignment stock has never been easier with the Smart Storage Solution by YESSS.
Find out more at:

Constructing Excellence

Led by chief executive Andrew Carpenter, Constructing Excellence Midlands is a progressive membership organisation committed to improving business performance in the construction industry by driving innovation and best practice across the Midlands. It is a cross-sector, cross-supply chain, member-led organisation operating for the betterment of the industry and its stakeholders - encouraging professionals to drive change and improvements. Members to CE Midlands have access to a range of knowledge-sharing and best practice events and forums, as well as local clubs and four theme groups - which champion thought leadership discussions across future skills, smart construction, climate crisis and building safety. The organisation also publishes best practice guides on a diverse number of topics, from procurement to mediation. Members have access to training, technical support and opportunities to promote projects where business objectives have demonstrably benefitted from the application of best practice methods and innovative construction technology. For CHIC members in other geographical regions there are other CE regional groups available – for details click here For younger professionals in construction, CE Midlands runs the incredibly successful G4C Midlands group. G4C provides a dedicated forum and series of events for young professionals to come together to share knowledge, experience and opinions to collectively broaden their understanding of the construction landscape and develop their network. CE Midlands also offers a Diploma in Collaboration in Construction, in which course tutors from leading construction firms across the Midlands deliver experience-led educational insights on topics including the Value Toolkit, designing for the environment and collaborative forms of contract. The CE Midlands Awards celebrates best practice across the Midlands built environment. Tickets are available for the West Midlands awards dinner, taking place on 1 June at Edgbaston Cricket Ground in Birmingham. There is still time to enter the East Midlands Awards, with entries open until 5 May and the awards dinner taking place on 29 June at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Nottingham. Entries are welcomed from developers, clients, contractors, specialist and sub-contractors, engineers, of all disciplines, members of the design team and other consultants.



CHIP has recently partnered with St Basils in Birmingham, to support their ‘You Can Employability Service’, which offers a five-week programme to support young people who live in their accommodation into work.
The course provides intensive support to help kick start the journey back into employment. In addition, it focuses on barriers that young people face in realising their potential. There are a range of topics covered to support individuals, which include: Teamwork, Dealing with problems, Developing Personal Confidence and Self Awareness and Building a career portfolio, where every young person gains an OCN award.
St Basils works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, helping almost 4000 young people per year across the West Midlands region. Young people can access a full range of prevention, accommodation, support, and engagement services as well as services which aim to ensure young people develop the skills to move on successfully.
CHIP is excited to be able to support St Basils on its journey in supporting young people. This year we have donated £5,000, with next year pledging £10,000 to help support their important initiatives. This further adds to the ever growing number of causes we are able to financially support through our Employment Sponsorship, adding social value and having a positive impact on the communities in which CHIC’s members work.

Supplier News


At CHIC, we value the contributions of our trusted partners and understand the importance of sharing key business updates with our members. We have listened to your feedback and in line with our newly launched website, to facilitate this process we have established a streamlined method for you to submit news articles for review and potential publication on our website. By adhering to the following criteria, you can ensure that your article receives fair consideration and effectively conveys your message to our members.
Content Relevance: Articles should focus on informative content rather than being overtly promotional or sales driven. We encourage you to share news and updates that are relevant to CHIC members, such as new product releases, technological advancements, market trends, industry insights or significant business developments.
Word Count: To maintain a concise and engaging reading experience, we request that your articles have a maximum word count of 600 words. This restriction encourages clear and concise communication while ensuring that the content is digestible for our audience. We would also request any high quality relevant imagery.
Quality and Accuracy: Submit articles that are well written, professionally presented and factually accurate. We encourage you to provide supporting evidence, statistics and credible sources to reinforce the information you share. High quality articles enhance the value of the content and reflect positively on your brand and ours.
Non-Confidential Information: Please refrain from sharing any confidential or proprietary information in your articles. Ensure that the content you submit is suitable for public consumption and does not violate any legal or contractual obligations.

Submitting Your Article:
To submit an article for consideration, please send it to with the subject line "Article Submission - [Your Company Name]." We encourage you to attach the article as a Word document or include it directly in the body of the email.
Review Process: Upon receipt of your submission, our team will review the content to ensure it meets the criteria mentioned above. We may contact you for clarifications or modifications if needed. If your article is approved, we will share a revised version for your final consent before publishing it on our website.
There is no specific period where you can send across your article, however we will only publish one article per quarter for each of our partners to ensure fair exposure.
By adhering to the guidelines outlined above, you can effectively contribute to the flow of information. CHIC is collaborative in nature and aims to create added value benefits for all stakeholders.
We value your participation in keeping our members informed and engaged with the latest industry updates. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at

Materials Cost Savings

Sentinel: Price Increase Offset
In a tough economic climate Sentinel remain dedicated to providing customers with best value products and competitive prices. In a bid to create new opportunities and maintain existing ones, Sentinel have offset some of their 2023 price increase to CHIC members on the following products, effective as of 1st July.
332163 - SYSCAREVORTEX-A-HW - SYSCARE-A VORT 300 DI FIT X100 X800 SESI – price offset by 4.46%
914379 - SYSCAREVORTEX-B-SW - SYSCARE-B VORTEX 300 DIR FIT X100 X800 – price offset by 8.42%
914394 - SYSCAREVORTEX-C-HW - SYSCARE-C VORT 250 VALVES X100 X800 SESI – price offset by 7.33%
914491 - SYSCAREVORTEX-D-SW - SYSCARE-D VORTEX 250 VALVES X100 X800 – price offset by 4.06%
Baxi: Price Review & Enhanced Support
Baxi has done an urgent price review on a selection of their boilers on a 2 year warranty and are offering enhanced support, exclusively to CHIC members to take effect immediately. This equates to an average cost reduction of c.20%.
These new Sentinel and Baxi prices are available to CHIC members through City Plumbing Supplies.
For further information and how you can access these, please speak with your CHIC Member Services representative.