Upcoming CHIC Events 


DATE: Wednesday 15th November 2023LOCATION: Village Hotel Cardiff, 29 Pendwyallt Rd, Cardiff, CF14 7EF

Early this year, CHIC hosted a roundtable event to bring together Registered Social Landlords and supply chain partners, to consider how we can create effective delivery of the ORP in Wales. We wanted to ensure that our partners have the right tools and solutions in place, with added social value.

The event was held on 23rd March 2023 at the Village Hotel in Cardiff and attended by 42 stakeholders. Updates on progress with ORP implications were provided by Chris Jofeh (Chair of Independent Implementation Group on the Decarbonisation of Existing Homes) and on behalf of Welsh Government. These provided an overview of the background to ORP, progress to date and the next steps for the sector, setting the scene for positive roundtable discussions.

The meeting was very positive and there was a definite enthusiasm to repeat the event, recognising the value of meeting, learning and sharing. Read the feedback paper 

Join us on 15th November for Part 2

CHIC will be hosting the second roundtable in the series on 15th November 2023 in Cardiff.

We welcome attendance by both returning participants from the initial event and new members and supply chain partners in Wales. We will host discussions on further progress and how this aligns with Welsh Government expectations. We hope to hear from sector experts, seeking their valuable insights into the Optimised Retrofit Programme.

Feedback from the March event has been carefully considered and we are currently developing the agenda for the event. Key discussion points will encompass the progress in programme delivery, significant challenges encountered by social landlords, an exploration of ORP 3 Y2 and a deeper focus on conducting surveys and harnessing data.

If you would like to register your place, please click the link below. We are also providing the opportunity for early registering delegates to influence the agenda, so please let us know your thoughts.


Please note you don’t need to have attended the first roundtable to join us in November. All CHIC members are welcome to attend for free.

If you have any questions, please email Jackie Leonard, Head of Member Services (Wales) at

If you would like to become one of our corporate sponsors for the event, please email Curtis Coulson, Marketing Manager at


CHIC Conference & Exhibition 2024

DATE: Wednesday 22nd May 2024LOCATION: Telford International Centre, TF3 4JH

The CHIC Conference is back in May 2024 and is expected to be bigger and better than ever, attended by more than 500 delegates and 50 exhibitors. You can register your place now!

Aside from networking with your sector colleagues, sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice solutions, you can also be sure that you will come away with key sector insights on current issues and a deeper understanding of emerging trends and hot topics.

More details about the day will be published over the coming weeks, so be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media platforms.

Exhibitor Registration

Delegate Registration

Are you a housing or construction professional and want the opportunity to speak at the event? Let us know what you would like to discuss by filling out the registration form. We will be releasing the full programme soon so let us know as soon as possible to feature on the agenda.  

Updates from CHIC

CHIC Annual Report 2022/23

We invite you to read our annual report for 2022/23. This past year has marked a period of remarkable growth and progress for CHIC and we extend our appreciation to our members and stakeholders for their support.

At CHIC, our vision is to excel as asset management experts, providing focussed procurement services that enhance our members' homes and communities. Highlights from the year include the successful launch of our CHIC Solutions data management system, the introduction of an improved website with advanced search capabilities, substantial cost reductions benefiting our members and the forthcoming launch of our new 'Gold Standard' Framework for Newbuild Housing and Regeneration.

In addition to these achievements, we've continued to build and maintain valuable partnerships, uphold our commitment to delivering social value and expand our membership base to include over 200 organisations.

Read Now


Social Value Annual Report

We invite you to also read our first Social Value Annual Report, a testament to the positive progress we've made in partnership with our aligned charity, CHIP. As we reflect on the past year, you'll see the achievements and initiatives that have delivered social value outcomes for our members and supply chain communities.

In 2022/23, CHIC's Board revisited and enhanced our Social Value Strategy, reinforcing our commitment and allocating 10% of budgeted fee income towards social value outcomes moving forward. This commitment included extended contractual obligations in all CHIC procured contracts.

Read Now


Staffing Changes

CHIC’s team continues to grow and respond to increasing demand for member support in delivering their asset management and development programmes.

Growth includes the strengthening of our a dedicated Strategic Services Team, responsible for overseeing, administering and efficiently delivering contract requirements. Mike Harris has been promoted to Head of Partnerships, now supported by Manjit Sanghera as Partnerships Executive, both tasked with cultivating and supporting relationships with our supply chain partners.

As part of our commitment to further enhance our procurement functions and sustain our growth, we are recruiting for a new Head of Procurement and the replacement of our Senior Procurement Manager, who is leaving to work in another sector.

Other new roles have been created in the Procurement, Member Services and Strategic Services Teams. Recruitment of these is currently underway and we will announce all appointments in future editions of CHIC CHAT.


CHIC Out and About

Giles Newman, Head of Merchant Services, exhibiting at Constructionline’s “Meet the Buyer” event in Glasgow in late September, which brings together leading contractors and public sector authorities to discuss forthcoming work contracts. It was a great opportunity to meet suppliers and discuss the benefits of joining CHIC’s supply chain.


Stephen Sharman, Director of Member Services, was delighted to attend and sponsor the annual charity golf day hosted by Bell Group. All proceeds were donated to the George and Annette Bell Foundation, helping to create and sustain communities where people are inspired to live healthier and happier lifestyles.


CHIC has reached its target of walking 10 million steps between August and October with 2 weeks to spare. We are raising money for our charity, CHIP, which ensures that social value dividends are delivered as a direct result of CHIC’s asset management and procurement activities. A big thank you to our corporate sponsors, Robert Price and KOK Surveyors, as well as everyone that donated money to our cause. There is still time to donate to our just giving page here:


CHIC Board meeting

CHIC’s Board of Directors held its quarterly meeting at the end of September. The Board consists of 11 Directors, 8 represent CHIC’s members and 3 are independent. The Board’s role is to ensure that CHIC’s services are delivered in line with member expectations.


Key issues considered by the Board included:

-    The annual audit of CHIC’s accounts and approval of the Directors report and accounts for 2022/23. These reported a positive financial outcome for the year, with a Balance Sheet strengthened to reflect CHIC’s ongoing growth, whilst average member fees continued to reduce.
-    Approval of the Annual Report for 2022/23 and the Social Value Annual Report
-    Approval to increase the staffing resources within the CHIC team, strengthening the Member Services, Procurement and Strategic Services teams. The Board is particularly keen to ensure that we can continue to deliver responsive, personalised services to all members.
-    A review of CHIC’s Risk Register, considered in the context of the current economic pressures on our members.
-    The annual review of CHIC’s Agent’s performance against targets and CHIC’s 5 Year Business Strategy.
   A decision to continue to review one of CHIC’s 8 services in detail at each quarterly meeting.
Overall, the Board was suitably assured that CHIC continues to deliver in line with members expectations and to achieve the Business Strategy targets. 

Sustainability in Procurement

Sustainability Impact of Procurement Activities - by Ade Osunsanmi MSc Chartered MCIPS- Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Ltd (CHIC Ltd)

CHIC’s members all operate in the UK housing sector which, along with all other buildings, contributed 17% of the overall nation’s carbon emissions in 2022. There are only three other sectors with higher emissions - transport (34%), energy (24%) and business at 18.7%. Embodied carbon from construction and refurbishment of buildings currently makes up 20% of the UK built environment emissions.

As a procurement consortium supporting the housing sector, the negative sustainability impact of our activities cannot be overstated, if considering the procurement influence on end-to-end supply chain activities.

Every procurement professional is aware of the six key stages of procurement exercise, starting from when a need is identified, which can be in the form of a request by a customer, re-procurement of new framework/Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS), an organisational need or a demand driven by sectoral issues such as the damp and mould, the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC), retrofit requirement etc.

The second stage is the analysis of the supply and demand market. This is a good time to ask alot of why’s, to understand the requirement, including engagement at various levels and the opportunity for users to provide useful insights for influencing the final outcome.

This stage is the most interesting of any strategic procurement exercise in my opinion, as it presents an opportunity to influence the specification and design, to mitigate the negative sustainability impact. Providing an input that is well thought through for the third stage of all procurement activities when the detailed the specifications developed, including the forms of contracts and any other documentation for meaningful engagement with the supply market.

The fourth stage - sourcing, is meant to be more competitive, with suppliers hopefully putting in their best proposals based on their interpretation of the requirements. It presents an opportunity to refine and redefine depending on the sector and the complexity of the requirement, giving the market a unique avenue for innovative solutions to pressing needs, while remaining competitive.

At this stage, suppliers may overpromise, including their ability to deliver on sustainability pledges, just to win bids. However, a prudent procurement professional will ensure associated risks are minimised and can be managed with the successful bidder during the last two stages of implementation and contract management, through a collaborative approach.

Six Key stages of a Procurement Exercise 


It is obvious from the stages above that procurement activities would result in:

-      Use of transportation for goods and services
-      Unavoidable consumption of raw materials and the use of energy
-      Waste generation and pollution (noise, air, water) – worthy of note is that 30% of air pollution in London City is from construction activities. 
-      The use of labour for different types of project requirements
-      Mandatory compliance with relevant legislation / process


Specifically working through the whole life carbon of a building, there’s huge potential to collaborate with our customers and supply chains throughout the key procurement stages, to reduce our negative environmental impact, create positive environmental actions and reduce our carbon footprint through our various Frameworks and DPS.

Schematic diagram showing the whole life carbon of a building- World Green Building Council


CHIC gets involved at different stages of the procurement process described above and can ensure competitive procurement exercises are sustainable by design. We know that the 2020-2030 is the critical decade to accelerate activities for Netzero by 2050 and we are working hard through engagement to reduce the negative impact of procurement, as we support our members to procure sustainably.

Embedding the recommendations and the priorities of the Constructing the Gold standards in our procurement activities through framework alliancing, is one of the ways CHIC is ensuring we can be sustainable by design, not only in carbon footprint reduction but by embedding our social value expectations. What we procure will involve construction, buildings, energy transportation and business emissions – all of which will be reduced. Constructing the Gold Standard (


Notable Statistics / References

-  The building sector is a major contributor of emissions worldwide, accounting for more than a third of global CO2 emissions. 

-  This sector is also growing at an exponential rate; it is estimated that between 2020 and 2050 the global floor area of buildings will increase by 75%.

-  Building emissions contributed 17% of the total UK emissions, that is around 76 metric tonnes of CO2 in 2022 (Progress in reducing UK emissions - 2023 Report to Parliament (

-  Building works responsible for 18% of UK large particle pollution | Pollution | The Guardian and 30% of air pollution in London City is from construction activities.

-  Embodied carbon from the construction and refurbishment of buildings currently makes up 20% of UK built environment emissions.





Ade Osunsanmi Chartered MCIPSHead of Procurement


WHQS 2023 Consultation

In this BLOG, Katie Carey, Head of Commercial Services at CHIC shares her views on the policy responses to the recent WHQS 2023 consultation.

Following our WHQS2023 consultation article in CHIC CHAT in February 2023, the Welsh Government has published a summary of the policy responses and actions they are looking to implement.

They have said that WHQS2023 is to reflect changes to how people live, work and feel about their homes, and to start decarbonising the Welsh social housing stock at scale. They have responded to the 24 questions that came from the consultation.

In summary they acknowledged that the standard will be strengthened in places to help provide further clarity. This will be done in these sections:

  Part 1b – Homes must be free from damp

-    Tenant engagement

  Part 3 – Homes must be affordable to heat and have minimal environmental impact

  Part 6 – Homes must be comfortable and promote wellbeing. 

They have accepted the challenges around financial and skilled resources to undertake the Target Energy Pathways. They have removed the 2026 deadline from the standard and will amend the standard to include bands in the EIR score and Carbon balancing guidance will be published.

The Minister has agreed a planned approach is to be adopted and all landlords will be required to produce an “Affordable Warmth and Decarbonisation Plan” within 3 years from the launch of the standard.

The Plan will set out when the landlord will achieve the targets of an Environmental Efficiency Rating (EER) of 92 and an Environmental Impact Rating (EIR) of 92 for their housing stock.

Guidance will be provided by Welsh Government which will set out how the Plan is to be produced.

Landlords will be expected to ensure that all their homes reach a fabric-based EPC band C by 2029.

Welsh Government officials will assess the plans and the evidence provided to ensure it indicates a viable timetable to implement the required improvements to achieve the targets within the standard.

Katie Carey, CHIC’s Head of Commercial Services said “I think it is pleasing to see that Welsh Government has listened to the consultation and has adapted the standard. It now would be beneficial to have the working detail and a definite timescale of the release so everyone can start working towards this.”

Here is a link to their full response: Consultation Template (

Here is the link to: The Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023 Draft for consultation

We now await for Welsh Government to issue the final version of WHQS 2023, which will no doubt have implications for all RSLs’ across Wales.



CHIC is excited to announce it’s upcoming roundtable event, the second in a series, scheduled for November 15 2023 at the Village Hotel in Cardiff. Building on the success of our March event, we are extending invitations to both returning participants and new members and supply chain partners in Wales.

We will engage in discussions regarding the progress with ORP and its alignment with the expectations set by the Welsh Government. We expect insights from sector experts, about their perspectives on the impact of the Optimised Retrofit Programme.

To secure your place, please click on the link below to register. We also value your input in shaping the agenda and early registrants have the opportunity to influence the discussion topics.


For further information or enquiries, please feel free to contact Katie Carey, our Head of Commercial Services, at We look forward to your participation and the valuable contributions you will bring to this event.


Katie Carey
Head of Commercial Services

HOMES UK Conference

Theres still space left to exhibit in the CHIC Community
22-23 November 2023, ExCel London
We are looking forward to welcoming our members, partners and other exhibitors to the CHIC Community at this year’s HOMES UK event. We already have some great supply chain partners showcasing their services and products and there is still time to book your space.
Our Exhibitors
The community
We have upgraded our pavilion to allow for optimal engagement, keeping the space open and to encourage a steady flow of visitors. This year we have two different space options, providing flexibility as to the marketing assets you can bring along with you. You will also be provided with a table and chairs.
One of our primary goals this year is to encourage more personal connections and engagement with delegates. In our dedicated meeting area we will be setting up a cafe, offering complimentary coffee and refreshments. As with last year, we hope this will attract constant visitors, providing you with valuable networking opportunities.

What you get
 2m x 2m Exhibition Space with minimal setup
 Listed as a CHIC Partner
 Pre and post event promotion
 To utilise our Cafe area with free refreshments for delegates
 Profile on the HOMES UK site
 Profile in the digital event guide free to all attending the event
 10 exhibitor passes
 Unlimited free guest invites to invite your clients and key stakeholders to the event
Spaces are limited and we operate on a first come, first served basis. This opportunity is exclusively available to CHIC supply chain partner organisations, so be sure to act swiftly to secure your space.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Curtis Coulson at

CHIC Framework Procurement

As part of our commitment to facilitating efficient procurement for our members, CHIC is embarking on a competitive tendering process to establish some replacement 4-year Frameworks where existing framework are due to expire. These Frameworks will allow CHIC members to award contracts for specific categories. Here's a breakdown of the three main areas these Frameworks will cover:
1. Kitchens & Bathrooms
The Kitchens & Bathrooms Framework will encompass the installation of kitchens, bathrooms, and associated goods. This framework plays an important role in ensuring that residential properties are equipped with modern, functional and aesthetically pleasing kitchens and bathrooms.
2. M&E (Mechanical and Electrical)
The M&E Framework will cover a broad spectrum of heating related systems. This includes services aimed at enabling clients to adequately maintain heating systems, electrical components and fulfill renewable energy obligations.
3. Passive Fire Protection
The Passive Fire Protection Framework will revolve around the inspection, installation, repair and maintenance of passive fire stopping products. This includes critical services such as the creation of fire compartments, installation of fire doors, external wall systems/cladding and fire signage, ensuring that fire safety in residential and commercial properties is a top priority.
CHIC will release more detailed information about these three Frameworks in the coming weeks. Our stakeholders, including CHIC members and potential contractors are encouraged to stay informed on our Linkedin Page and website to access the latest updates.
Should you have any enquiries or require further information regarding these Frameworks or the tendering process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ade Osunsanmi, Head of Procurement, at

News from our Supply Chain

An invitation to

Fit for the Future housing seminar

// Wednesday 8th November
// Jaguar Experience, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B24 0RD
// 12.30pm – 16.30pm

In the past few years, the sector has faced a perfect storm of challenges – from dealing with damp, mould and condensation problems, to retrofit challenges and how it can ensure the future energy efficiency of their housing stock.

We very much hope you will be able to join us.

Event speakers

Professor Mike Parrett published author & broadcaster is an expert in the field of building pathology and will present his sometimes controversial views on what the sector needs to learn from the mistakes of the past and do differently in the future.

Andy Merrin (United Living and Paul Norman (Clarion) will share some of their experiences on SHDF-funded retrofit works and the learnings from that work, including how we build contributing to future damp, mould and condensation problems through the installation of adequate ventilation.

Jim Blanchard (United Living Infrastructure Services) will talk about the ‘Future of Heat’ and share our experience on the Hynet project that will provide infrastructure to produce, transport and store low-carbon hydrogen as well as capturing, transporting and locking away carbon dioxide.

Please RSVP by return to

CHIP Roundtable

Communities and Housing Investment in People (CHIP) was registered as a new charity with the Charity commission in May 2022, to support CHIC’s Social Value programme. CHIP was formally launched in September 2023, at a Roundtable Discussion attended by CHIC’s members and supply chain partners.


The discussions and the conclusions reached endorsed CHIP’s key objectives and helped to shape how those should be delivered. CHIP objectives include:

-      Partnering with Local Employment Groups (LEGs), to support those distant from the workplace into sustained employment.

-      Providing funding to local community groups and projects, where we can make a real difference to people's lives.

-      Celebrating the success of the individuals and organisations through annual awards

-      CHIP’s work is delivered by a Social Value Manager, funded by CHIC but overseen by a small committee of five trustees. These are independent, including the chair and two are nominated by the Board of CHIC.

CHIC‘s own social value activities include requirements for social value outcomes from all CHIC procured contracts, funding CHIP and the Social Value Manager and the appointment of a graduate apprentice.


September 2023 Roundtable

CHIC and CHIP published their first Social Value Annual Report, which was launched at this September event. CHIP was keen to ask stakeholders to look back over the last year to see if the agreed objectives had been achieved, but primarily to look forward to ensure that the outcomes of CHIP’s activities will achieve the maximum positive impact possible.

CHIC’s supply chain partner AICO kindly agreed to host the event at their depot in Oswestry. CHIP’s trustees and CHIC’s team were joined by a range of stakeholders drawn from our members and supply chain partners.

To set the scene for later discussions, delegates initially had presentations from:

John Fisher, Chief Executive - CHICLuke Hurd, Chief Operating Officer - CHICBarrie Hodge - St BasilsKirsty Docherty - Bell GroupPaul Cartwright - AICO


To find out more about CHIP, please visit their website at