CHIC Conference 2024


t Telford International Centre






Decent, well maintained and energy efficient homes are what all residents want and need. Asset management strategies should promote investment that keeps homes safe and warm, free from damp, mould and condensation and affordable to heat.

It isn’t difficult to sideline the customer view when faced with the complexities of the legal, technical and financial constraints that great asset management must adhere to. So this year for CHIC’s conference we want to ensure that the customer is front and centre.
We have a programme of topical workshops, two plenary sessions and a vibrant exhibition and networking space. The conference is once again chaired by Mark Easton, BBC Home Editor.
Joining CHIC on the panel is Lara Oyedele, Past President of Chartered Institute of Housing and CEO of Black on Board. We also have Kai Jackson, Chair of residents’ scrutiny panel at Black Country Housing Group. We have some more great speakers lined up so please keep an eye out on our LinkedIn page.





Exhibition bookings are now open for registration. We have a variety of stand spaces and sponsorship opportunities available. Be sure to secure your place as soon as possible.

Updates from CHIC


CHIC’s Board of Directors meets quarterly; the last meeting of 2023 was in December. The Boards role is to set and monitor the business strategy for CHIC, to ensure that as a collaborative consortium we plan and deliver services that our members want and need.

The Board consists of 11 directors, at least 8 of which must be drawn from our members. Currently CHIC has an independent chair and chair elect, one other independent and 6 member representative directors. Two member directors left the Board in December, each after 6 years of valuable support, so we are currently recruiting their replacements.

In addition to routine quarterly reviews of financial and business performance, the Board also spent time considering some key issues which will help to shape future service delivery, including:

Stakeholder Surveys – how we will consult with members and supply chain partners this Spring, to get feedback on how effectively we meet their needs
CHIC Marketing Strategy – making sure that we communicate effectively with our stakeholders and others to promote CHIC at the most appropriate events
Procurement Plan – a review of forthcoming framework and DPS procurement activities, including options for collaborative procurement with another consortium for some services
Strategic Awayday – setting the agenda for the Boards awayday this February.

If you would like to know about the work of CHIC’s Board and how it maintains effective governance of CHIC as a member owned procurement consortium, please contact Chief Executive, John Fisher (

We're thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Mike Ivory, Ian Mackinnon and Rupal Bhojani, the newest additions to the CHIC team.

Mike Ivory and Ian Mackinnon join our growing Procurement team as Senior Procurement Managers. Their roles are to support the team to plan, manage and administer all mini-competitions and support the development of business cases for direct contract awards. They will also be an integral part in managing DPS activities and maintaining the forward plan of new and replacement programme of frameworks.

Meanwhile, Rupal joins our supply chain team in a new position as Catalogue Manager. Her responsibilities involve managing and supporting the materials and labour supply chain, to enhance efficiency for CHIC members, supporting new procurements and managing price catalogues.

We will also be appointing a new Procurement Officer and a Partnerships Executive in the near future – more information in the next issue of CHIC CHAT.



Procurement Update

CHIC has some new frameworks due to be launched in 2024:


Newbuild Framework

This new 8-year Framework for construction works and consultancy services will cater for a wide range of project types, from small infill and garage sites to large estate regeneration projects including newbuild, refurbishment/retrofit and cross subsidy housing for sale. It also provides MMC solutions including fully modular, frame & panel and turnkey options. This framework is in the latter stages of the procurement process with it expected to be live for members in February. We will be hosting an event on 7th March to officially launch the framework, so be sure to keep up to date on our LinkedIn page.

Healthy Homes Framework

To support our members in their work to decarbonise their residents’ homes, this framework will include consultants, contractors and digital solutions for sustainable, cost effective and socially responsible retrofitting and property safety measures. CHIC welcomes tender submissions from consultants, suppliers and contractors for this framework, from SME’s to Tier 1 contractors. The deadline for submissions is 2nd February 2024.

Legal Services Framework

CHIC’s current Legal Services Framework expires on 30th June 2024. It is intended that a replacement Framework agreement will be in place from July 2024. We are currently informing Legal firms who have either participated in previous CHIC framework procurement or expressed interest to register on the CHIC eSourcing platform in preparation for the tender launch.

There will be four Lots:

  1. Corporate, Governance and Finance
  2. Housing and Asset Management
  3. Development
  4. Property


Other Frameworks

CHIC is also going to be tendering to establish some replacement 4-year frameworks for planned works, now split into three new frameworks as below. Tenders will be opening in the coming weeks with an expected live date in Q2 of 2024:

Kitchens & Bathrooms - installation of kitchens, bathrooms, and associated goods, for residential properties.

M&E (Mechanical and Electrical) - covering a broad spectrum of heating and related systems. This includes services aimed at enabling members to maintain heating systems, electrical components and fulfill renewable energy obligations.

Passive Fire Protection - for the inspection, installation, repair and maintenance of passive fire stopping products. This includes critical services such as the creation of fire compartments, installation of fire doors, external wall systems/cladding and fire signage, ensuring that fire safety in residential and commercial properties is a top priority.


If you have any questions about upcoming CHIC framework and DPS solutions, please get in touch with Ade Osunsanmi, Head of Procurement, at

Member Services

At the end of 2023, we made some changes to the Member Services Team, with Liam Gratty being appointed to the new role of Director of Strategic Services and the addition of three new Heads of Member Services. This increases the team available to directly support our members, each within defined geographical areas. Our team and their respective regions are shown below.

For our members in Scotland and Northern Ireland, member services support will be agreed according to specific project requirements.


Your Key Contact
CHIC’s senior leadership and membership services teams are asset managers first, not just procurement specialists.
We support members to identify the best solutions for their particular needs, then manage the contractor or supplier selection with them through to the award of contract. Unlike other consortia, CHIC then provides ongoing support services to ensure that the selected contract or service runs smoothly.
Over the years, CHIC has expanded its geographic coverage and now has products and services that can be utilised by its members across all parts of the UK. Members requirements can differ based on geographical location; our regional Heads of Member Services will work to understand their members local issues and requirements to identify the best solutions for them.
The below document details our full list of members alongside your CHIC Member Services Team key contact.


If you would like to discuss your programme requirements with a member of the Member Services Team, please get in touch as below.
Stephen Sharman | Member Services Director (London)

Adrian Hussain | Head of Member Services (East)
Joanne Heyes | Head of Member Services (North)
Sarah Degg | Head of Member Services (West)
Chris Brockwell | Head of Member Services (South)
Jackie Leonard | Head of Member Services (Wales)


Service Highlight

Overview of the Market; CHIC Routes to Market
Due to many factors, not least of which was Covid and the increase in import costs to the UK, the material supply sector has been hit with unprecedented hikes in the cost of raw materials. These increased costs have caused uncertainty in the merchant market as purchase prices have been known to vary significantly from one day to the next. Whilst the volatility in raw material costs has stabilised in recent months and for some products returned to pre 2021 prices, the sector has been compelled to respond to these external forces and fundamentally transform the way it operates.
Over the past two years the merchant market has been in a state of flux with many of the main merchants adapting their business models through mergers to create a new, larger merchant or consolidating their business becoming a more focused specialist merchant. This market transformation has revised the CHIC Merchant Framework by consolidating the total number of merchants available to our members from 15 to 10 but has strengthened our ability to offer more specialised merchant solutions.
Members are now, more than ever, conscious of their catalogue pricing and the volume of ‘specials’ purchased. In response to the market volatility, operatives have often been allowed to purchase products outside of their core catalogue (‘specials’), to help reduce tenant waiting times and reduce ‘work in progress’.
The net result, in some cases, has seen the value and quantity of ‘specials’ purchased by operatives increase by 50% or more.
To help address these changes CHIC has engaged more directly with suppliers and manufacturers, generating a better variety of supported rates that members can now utilise, demonstrating increased savings and efficiencies. We continue to review all our catalogues quarterly as part of CHIC’s managed service offer.
Through a combination of our framework and DPSs’, CHIC is still able to offer our members a comprehensive merchant solution that continues to be an integral part of our service provisions.

The framework offers four lots including the use of multiple merchants, branch networks or managed stores. The CHIC DPS covers fourteen lots, including the same lots as the merchant framework, with specialist supplier lots included from glazing through to roofing. Find our full Merchant Framework and Merchant DPS.

CHIC’s Head of Merchant Services, Giles Newman said “Throughout my tenure at CHIC, I have encountered numerous hurdles and external influences altering market demands for materials and merchants. Despite these challenges, I maintain a positive outlook in terms of price stability and efficiency increases in 2024 and beyond. I eagerly anticipate delivering substantial savings for our members.”
Future Outlook
CHIC is aware that during 2024, many of the main merchants will be scaling back their operations both in terms of number of staff and the number of branches they currently operate from. The merchant social housing market, however, is still very strong, continuing to grow and is an integral part of their future business plans. It is anticipated that over the next 12 months several merchants will consolidate their branches, moving away from smaller local stores to larger, more regional ones.
Managed stores still work very well for members who have housing stock in a condensed area and require their operatives to be serviced quickly with their day to day material requirements.
However, with a shift in sector thinking, some organisations see dedicated managed stores as an excessive expenditure, with members now looking to separate their supply chain into more specialist suppliers, lowering their overhead costs and reducing the amount of specialist products purchased from a non-specialist merchant.
The CHIC merchant solution is still in a strong position and can offer bespoke routes to market for CHIC’s members. The framework is not due to expire until 2027, however due to the transformation in the market in recent years, CHIC will be reaching out to members and merchants using the current framework to request feedback on the new ways of working to help influence the development of an alternative framework that will address changing, current and future market requirements.
To find out more about how CHIC can help you deliver your merchant programmes, please contact Giles Newman, Head of Merchant Services at

BounceBack Partnership

Creating Employment Through Strategic Partnerships

CHIP is our aligned charity to ensure that social value dividends are delivered as a direct result of CHIC’s asset management and procurement activities.

One of CHIP’s commitments is to work with and financially support Local Employment Groups (LEGs) in the main regions of CHIC’s active members, to secure permanent employment for people who are disadvantaged or distant from the workplace, including:

- Individuals living with disabilities
- Ex-offenders
- Modern Day Slavery victims
- Homelessness
- Older People
- Ethnic and Racial Minorities
- Ex-armed Forces personnel



We are delighted to provide a report on the outcomes of the initial funding agreement in 2022 between Bounce Back and CHIP. Bounce Back is a Charity and Social Enterprise focussed on training and unemployment for ex-offenders.


Our work has always been driven by our belief that sustainable employment allows participants to lift themselves out of poverty, moving to a place of financial inclusion rather than exclusion – often a catalyst for reoffending. To ensure the sustainability of our participants’ employment, our Case Managers closely track their progress at regular intervals. We are happy to report that three of our participants have sustained their role for over 6 months. With ongoing support including career guidance our participants can focus on their employment and recognise their value. This, in turn, encourages them to pursue promotions, additional responsibilities, or seek out roles that enable them to develop in their careers. We are always so proud when our participants reach this milestone and do all we can to support them beyond the 6-month mark.

We are also happy to report that seven participants have completed training with courses including CSCS, Painting & Decorating and our City & Guilds Digital Badges, also sponsored by CHIP. Through detailed skills analysis participants identify which skills they want to progress and build upon. Reflecting this, their Case Manager will help source suitable training opportunities, both internally and with our external training partners. The seven participants undertook training that helped them progress into employment or has equipped them with the skills and qualifications to progress within their careers.





Scott is a participant with neurodivergent needs who had a previous career in TV production. With a passion for technology and arts Scott was keep to upskill and apply his previous experience in his career going forward. Scott had some fears around working with new people and conventional learning environments due to issues at school with bullying. He struggled to make eye contact and close contact with other people made him feel nervous.

Scott attended our 1-week CSCS course and whilst initially he was very reserved and kept himself separate from the rest of the learning group, his Case Manager alongside the tutor worked closely alongside Scott to put things in place to make him feel more comfortable and monitored his progress. Scott passed his CSCS with flying colours and is now engaging with Bounce Back’s Level 1 Painting & Decorating course. He has also enrolled onto our Microsoft Embrace Mentoring programme, where he’ll be assisted with his CV, employability skills and will also connect with Microsoft employment pathways to help nurture his creative ambitions.



Bounce Back works with people both inside and outside of prison who may be at risk of or have a history of offending and substance use. We are focussed on supporting people to change the direction of their lives and reduce offending, to shape a society where everyone can look forward to a bright future.  We firmly believe everyone has the ability to change and should be given the opportunity to do so.

At Bounce Back we do this by providing people with support every step of the way, for as long as they need – everything they need to be work-ready, apply for and sustain a job.

We offer training and skills that employers want and need now and in the future, that can lead to good jobs with prospects.

Graduate Apprentice

Graduate Apprentice – My Journey so far

I started my journey after becoming an economics graduate with an accountancy internship and then working as a customer service representative. What I didn't anticipate was that the next step of my professional career would be at CHIC as a Graduate Apprentice – which I applied for so I can learn more varied professional skills. I joined CHIC in April 2023 and it has been a rewarding eight months so far.

Member Services

CHIC's two year apprenticeship rotates through different business functions, giving a hands on understanding of the organisation whilst learning new skills along the way. As an economics graduate, this opportunity was particularly interesting – a chance to bridge theory with real world applications in a sector I had never considered before.

I started in the Member Services Team, the ‘client’ facing function within CHIC. My role involved working with the regional leads in supporting members to procure and mobilise new contracts. It was great learning about how the sector works and supporting members to put contracts in place for new services.

Identifying potential CHIC members also became a core part of my responsibilities. This allowed me to enhance my research and analysis skills, connecting the dots between CHIC’s services and potential members.

A key highlight working with Member Services was getting involved in member moderation meetings, forming part of the tender process. These sessions added a layer of involvement that helped me to really understand what our members need.


I have now moved into the Procurement team, where I am involved in the varying and granular aspects of the procurement process, from assisting in the management of mini competitions for members through Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) and Frameworks, to providing support for tender applications and maintaining our internal supplier database.

My responsibilities also include processing tender queries and participating in all stages of the tender process, from publishing expressions of interest (EOIs’) to framework and contract awards, all through our e-sourcing software. Each day presents a new challenge, but it is fulfilling to be part of a vibrant and growing team in helping to mitigate risks and provide a great customer service.

Working at CHIC

CHIC’s dynamic environment is particularly interesting as different tasks and processes challenge me to think critically and swiftly. It is a fast paced atmosphere, allowing not only my technical growth but also an understanding of the importance of teamwork and strategic thinking. Working at CHIC has also allowed me to take part in social value initiatives such as volunteering and raising money through last year’s Steps Challenge, where we successfully raised £1,200 for CHIP.

Reflecting on my journey at CHIC so far, I'm grateful for the learning curve, the opportunity to contribute and the collaboration with skilled professionals. This apprenticeship has been rewarding, learning more about myself and developing my professional skills. As I navigate through the other departments at CHIC, I'm eager for the new lessons and experiences that lie ahead. This graduate apprenticeship has been insightful and I'm confident the skills I am learning will help to shape my future career aspirations.


Written by Haris Habib
CHIC Graduate Apprentice


More about CHIC / CHIP Social Value

Communities and Housing Investment in People (CHIP) is a charity funded by CHIC to work with Local Employment Groups to support people distant from the workplace into employment and to support CHIC’s members’ communities through grants and other social value initiatives.

CHIC funds a graduate apprentice who works within the CHIC team. Haris Habib was appointed in April 2023 to undertake a two year apprenticeship, working within each of the functional CHIC teams during his tenure.

Social value is at the heart of all of CHIC’s procurement solutions. By building social value into contracts we ensure consistent, measurable and meaningful outcomes, delivered through the following initiatives:

- CHIC Contractual Social Value targets
- CHIP Employment Sponsorship
- CHIP Community Chest
- CHIP Annual Awards
- CHIC Graduate Apprentice

Meet the Consortium

This is an exclusive invitation to North East based asset managers, procurement and compliance professionals for a focussed event to see how CHIC can help your asset management and development programmes.

Event Name: Meet the Consortium

Date: 29th February 2024

Location: Leonardo Hotel Newcastle Quayside - Formerly Jurys Inn, Gateshead NE8 3AE

Arrival:  8:30am

Conclusions & Close: 10:30am

*There will be time for follow-up conversations and 121 demonstrations after the close of the event

As a collaborative member owned consortium, CHIC is committed to delivering compliant procurement solutions and commercial support to our valued members in partnership with the supply chain. Our primary objective revolves around securing savings while actively driving improved environmental outcomes and enhanced social value. A part of CHIC’s ethos is to regularly engage with our members and partners to ensure they are getting best value and efficiencies.

Scheduled for the 29th of February in Gateshead, this event is a platform for understanding how a consortium can support you to deliver your procurement agenda for 2024 and beyond.

The focus of the event is on knowledge sharing rather than networking. We aim to share how a consortium can help to streamline and enhance your programmes, with the help of our dedicated member services team to bridge the gap between strategic thinking and operational delivery. We can provide fully managed procurement, expert account management, dedicated supply chain liaison and commercial support.

We want to make things clear and comprehensible with real examples and case studies.

To secure your free place, kindly fill out this REGISTRATION FORM at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions, our Head of Member Services (North) Joanne Heyes is hosting the event so please get in touch at


CHIC Conference 2024


t Telford International Centre




Decent, well maintained and energy efficient homes are what all residents want and need. Asset management strategies should promote investment that keeps homes safe and warm, free from damp, mould and condensation and affordable to heat.

It isn’t difficult to sideline the customer view when faced with the complexities of the legal, technical and financial constraints that great asset management must adhere to. So this year for CHIC’s conference we want to ensure that the customer is front and centre. We have a programme of topical workshops, two plenary sessions and a vibrant exhibition and networking space. The conference is once again chaired by Mark Easton, BBC Home Editor.
Joining CHIC on the panel is Lara Oyedele, Past President of Chartered Institute of Housing and CEO of Black on Board. We also have Kai Jackson, Chair of the residents’ scrutiny panel at Black Country Housing Group. We have some more great speakers lined up so please keep an eye out on our LinkedIn page.

THE EXHIBITION – NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATIONSExhibition bookings are now open for registration. We have a variety of stand spaces and sponsorship opportunities available. Be sure to secure your place as soon as possible.BOOK YOUR EXHIBITION SPACE