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Click here to download the SOCIAL_HOUSING_CROSSWORD_PUZZLE.pdf

The future of social housing was prudently addressed, following a riveting conversation held by Theresa Mays former chief of staff Nick Timothy at one of our own board awaydays, back in January.

Many believe that social housing is nearing the bottom of the agenda when it comes to the implications of Brexit and is being heavily overlooked.

Arguable, the main issue that the social housing sector is going to face is the logistical changes to supply chains. With materials like timber being heavily imported from the EU, many merchants have already begun contingency planning to maintain their sustainability, and have adopted the approach of stockpiling materials; however, it’s a very temporary solution

The overcomplicating of importing materials is set to have some implications on the affordability of social homes, whether this is going to be for the good or bad of renters in the UK.

But the question is, does anyone know what they are doing? Planning for the unknown is an impossible feat in all walks of life, let alone when looking to mitigate the effects of Brexit on an entire industry.

The potential knock-on effects are endless with the immediate ones possibly the most damaging. Will we begin seeing more or less jobs in the construction industry? Half of construction workers in London come from the EU and many have already gone back to avoid being ‘stuck’.

The effects that deal or no deal Brexit could be endless from temporary purchasing alternative materials to a complete logistical change, steering away from current just in time solutions.

Going from a blanket agreement to, well, who knows what, is going to be a huge change regardless of the specifics and the social housing market is inevitably going to learn to adapt no matter what comes its way; Deal or No Deal is just the beginning of something bigger.

With every future deal coming from UK Parliament, surely our government will do what is best for UK citizens? It is no secret that the UK has been in a housing crisis for some time now with the publication of reports like the Shelter’s “vision for social housing”.

Although the UK is going Brexit crazy, there’s no need to panic. CHIC has been actively collaborating with its members / suppliers to gather intel on what is the best course of action to mitigate the amount of disruption to the supply chain. 95% of Manufacturers and Distributors have already plans in place to mitigate for a No deal vote with the large majority being determined as low risk. (Testimonial from a supplier)

CHIC has engaged with it’s supply chain to ensure that members have contingencies in place for every aspect of property maintenance requirements.

CHIC’s Merchant Services Manager (maybe change it to Supply chain manager) is of the opinion that: “The worst thing that we in the social housing industry can do right now, is to put our heads in the sand and hope that this storm will pass us by. The first thing that will be affected will be supply chains, as we see in other sectors such as the automotive industry. Arguably if housing associations engage with purchasing groups, in respect of their suppliers, trends will be noticeable which means that steps can be taken to mitigate negative effects.”

As rightly pointed out purchasing groups such as CHIC, are better positioned to notice trends in the market that individual housing associations cannot see, and this is purely down to the number of suppliers each engages. Having a pool of suppliers providing the same type of service, normally via a framework, will allow members that purchase through that group a better understanding of where the market is going.

In these trialling times, co-operation is key, and instead of we can do it better, we need to do it better together.

The question is then, what has your association done to ensure that services will not drop.

Quote from Bournville to come: - need to chase giles again today.

If you are worried about the Brexit impact on your organisation, please give us a call.

Updates from CHIC


CHIC's Quarterly Board Meeting – March Overview

CHIC’s Board of Directors held its quarterly meeting on 20th March. The Boards role is to review performance of the consortium and agree future strategies and plans on behalf of CHIC’s membership. Highlights from the meeting are set out below.

1. Governance

Board Membership

Two member representative directors had left the Board in December 2023, due to job changes moving them away from their member organisations. CHIC had sought applicants from members to join the Board and this resulted in the appointment of two new member representative directors:

• Steve Porter, Executive Director (Assets), Wales & West Housing
• Vic Speakman, Senior Procurement Business Partner, Bromford

With these appointments, the Board is now at its full complement of 8 member representative directors and 3 independents.

Maggie Punyer, CHIC’s Chair said ”we are delighted to welcome Steve and Vic, who together bring a wealth of asset management and procurement experience to the Board, to ensure that member interests are properly represented."

Board Skills

The Board reviewed a comprehensive ‘skills matrix’ assessing the individual and joint skills of all 11 directors. The Board was satisfied it has the necessary range and depth of knowledge and experience to ensure that CHIC’s governance is robust.
2. Strategic Collaboration

It was agreed to continue to collaborate with another leading consortium, Efficiency North (EN), where this would lead to efficiencies and benefits for the members of both consortia.

The next collaborative project will be the procurement of an updated Merchants Framework. CHIC and EN will jointly run some market engagement and consultation events as the next steps in this process.
3. CHIC’s Business Strategy

The Board reviewed a summary of the conclusions and outcomes reached at its strategic awayday which had been held in February. This confirmed that CHIC should continue to offer:

• A managed service, with asset management and commercial support.
• The existing suite of services, strengthened with new frameworks and DPS as they become due.
• Support to existing members to grow the range of services and contracts they access via CHIC
• A proactive approach to existing and new member needs.

CHIC had seen progressive growth in recent years, and the strategy to grow the team to support growth and reserves to reflect turnover would continue.
4. Finance

2023/24 Outturn

The projected outturn for 2023/24 (CHIC’s year end is 30th June) was positively in line with projections so:
• Reserves would be strengthened in line with the strategy.
• CHIC’s annual social value contribution to CHIP, to fund the Community Chest Fund and work with Local Employment Groups, would be made in June.

2024/25 Budget

The Board reviewed and approved a draft budget for next financial year, based upon nearly 700 projects the team expects to be supporting.
5. Performance Reviews

The Board met its responsibilities to review all aspects of CHIC’s performance, including assurance from:

• A detailed performance dashboard showing the status of all services
• A ‘deep dive’ review of the Building Safety services
• The delivery of social value outcomes
• CHIC’s team structure and resourcing
• CHIC’s Marketing Strategy and activities
• CHIC’s Risk Register

6. New Frameworks

The Board received a detailed report in respect of the procurement process for a new Healthy Homes Framework. The directors approved the recommended framework award recommendations, so framework appointments could be progressed in advance of a launch on 11th April.



New starters to the CHIC team

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to Rebecca Wills-Smith and Hannah Elliott, the newest additions to the CHIC team who joined us this month.

Rebecca is the latest member of our Supply Chain team. Her role as Catalogue Manager will be reporting into our Head of Merchant Services to provide management, purchasing and commercial support to CHIC’s materials and merchants supply chain.

Meanwhile, Hannah joins our Strategic Services team as our new Technical Manager. Her responsibilities include providing support and advice to the CHIC team, acting as the technical lead to ensure the successful delivery of member contract renewals and for CHIC’s core frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing System procurements.


Upcoming Events


Procurement Updates

CHIC Procurement Activity

CHIC remains committed to meeting the evolving needs of our members and adapting to meet market demands by continuously introducing new and updating existing frameworks. This proactive approach ensures that we provide tailored solutions and stay aligned to industry demands, enhancing the value we offer to our stakeholders.

The CHIC Healthy Homes Framework has recently been awarded and we hosted a launch event on 11th April in Birmingham for all firms selected on the framework. Moderation is currently underway for the new CHIC Legal Services Framework, with an anticipated award and launch in June 2024.

Several other framework procurements are planned within the next 18 months, including Kitchen and Bathrooms (part of Planned Works (Phase 1), Fire Doors, Temporary Fire Alarms and Active Fire. If you would like further details about when these frameworks are to be published, please contact CHIC’s Head of Partnerships Mike Harris (


Procurement Act 2023: Ensuring Compliance and Knowledge

CHIC will be providing a ‘Countdown’ to the launch of the Act in October 2024. Here are the topics that will be published over the coming months:
• April - Impact for Suppliers/Contracting Authorities (Members)
• May - Transparency
• June - Performance
• July - Frameworks
• August - Direct Awards/Mini-Competitions
• September - Notices
• October – Launch of Act

The CHIC procurement team keeps up to date on legislative changes affecting Public Procurement, to ensure the delivery of knowledgeable and compliant solutions. Knowledge drop videos are now accessible for Suppliers and Contracting Authorities to acquaint themselves with the Procurement Act 2023. As well as informing the CHIC Procurement Team, these are also a great tool for our members and supply chain partners. They can be accessed at:

Online eLearning Modules are set to be released within in the next month for all Contracting Authorities, aiming to educate them about the upcoming changes in preparation for the Go-Live date of October 2024. The CHIC Procurement Team will be reviewing these new modules as they become available.

The learning and development team at the Government Commercial College has established a "Community of Practice (CoP)" for the Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) programme. This will serve as a platform for sharing, learning, and collaborating among procurement, commercial, and commissioning professionals affected by the new procurement regime in their public sector organisations. If you have any questions about the Procurement Act, please get in touch with Sam Domican, our Director of Procurement at


Ade Osunsanmi on the Procurement Act

Ade, CHIC’s Head of Procurement participated in the Sentry Doors Webinar around why sustainability and social value are important parts of the procurement process. She discussed the background of the refined objectives and procurement procedures, provided an update on contracting authority milestones and what suppliers can do to prepare for the upcoming changes.

She was joined by Guy Stapleford, Head of Consultancy Services at Procurement for Housing and Ahmed Loonat, Senior Business Development Manager at Sentry Doors.

If you would like to see a recording of the session you can do so here:


CHIC Order Management System

In the fast paced market of supply chain management, efficiency is key. CHIC on behalf of our members, set out to improve supply chain management with the development of the CHIC Order Management System (COMS) back in 2022.
COMS was developed to provide our members and supply chain partners with a streamlined ordering platform, that is easy to use but has powerful options to help organisations with their cost control and budgeting.
CHIC’s direct materials supply solutions give members the ability to select specific products, at a price that reflects consortium volume purchasing. CHIC works with the member to select and source the materials that suit their project or programme and supports the contractor to establish the operational interfaces needed.
COMS de-risks pricing changes, as the member has selected exactly the materials they want from their chosen manufacturer or supplier.
Understanding COMS: A Practical Approach to Supply Chain Optimisation
Developed by CHIC in collaboration with Efficiency North (EN), COMS is an online ordering platform designed to simplify and optimise supply chain materials purchasing. Its features include programme and catalogue management, order processing and invoicing capabilities, all accessible via a user friendly browser interface.
Examples of COMS users
Recent adopters of COMS include Birmingham City Council for their planned investment programmes, purchase and install of numerous kitchens, bathrooms and boilers. Efficiency North has also integrated COMS with Hull City Council for boiler purchases and installations.
Future Development
Last year, we added a Merchant Reporting Module where key features include cloud-based data access at anytime, customised reporting solutions with classic and interactive dashboards, data driven insights on spending trends and comparing spend across multiple merchants in one report.
These updates enhance members decision making capabilities, ensuring real time insights and streamlined data retrieval.
Looking ahead, CHIC is committed to further enhancing COMS to meet the evolving needs of its members and supply chain partners. Plans include expanding the feature set and implementing API integration for seamless communication between systems.
COMS is available to all CHIC’s members – access is included within our normal transaction fee – there is no extra cost.
If you would like a demonstration of the system, please send an email to Martin Radbourne at


Supply Chain Updates

Ensuring best value on your energy contracts: the challenges facing housing associations

Inenco is one of the oldest energy consultancies in the UK and as a result has plenty of experience in helping organisations procure the best energy contracts.

More than many other sectors, social landlords are being negatively impacted by specific challenges which many may not be aware of until it is too late, causing both unwelcome surprises and problems procuring a new energy contract.


Meeting the metering challenge

The often-quoted mantra is “what gets measured gets managed”, and this was in large part the government’s intent when mandating the rollout of smart meters (SMET) to support the achievement of Net Zero commitments and the management of a greener energy grid.

As of January 2022, all suppliers have binding annual installation targets to rollout to their remaining non-smart customers by the end of 2025.

Feedback from both suppliers and housing providers has highlighted a particular challenge in accelerating the rollout across the social housing estate. Gaining access to the buildings and areas where the meters are can be a challenge, having contact information for the people needed isn’t always available and co-ordinating the various teams that are involved can be time consuming. All of this means that energy suppliers are becoming more reluctant to contract with housing associations as their low SMET rollout impacts on the suppliers’ ability to hit their targets.

To achieve the best results takes time!

One of the biggest issues facing the housing sector when it comes to procuring new energy contracts is that not enough time is given to the process, with many leaving it far too late to be able to achieve the best results.

More than most sectors, housing landlords have complex multi-site estates that can be difficult to manage and keep track of. Onboarding the estate can be time-consuming and complicated. By not allowing enough time for this process to be completed risks the success of a new contract, start dates can be delayed, errors can be made in the rush and, in worst case scenarios, consultants simply won’t tender for the contract if they cannot fulfil the request in time. This can severely impact your organisation’s ability to access the best in the market.

As a result, the only option remaining is to stay with an incumbent energy supplier which doesn’t give access to the market and the best prices.

To give your organisation the best chance of getting the right energy contract, the process should start at least 12 months before the end of your current energy contract. This process can start by simply talking to consultants and working through some of the opportunities and challenges that your individual organisation faces. Depending on the outlook this then gives enough time to work through those challenges and gives the best chance of securing the best price.

You can read a longer version of this article at or contact Inenco’s team at or call 08451 463626.

You can also find us at the CHIC Conference and Exhibition on Wednesday 22nd May. Visit us on stand 39


CHIP Awards Dinner

On the evening of the 22nd May, we are thrilled to host the annual awards dinner for our charity, CHIP. This event serves as a platform to review funds for our work in supporting local communities but also honours the outstanding individuals and organisations within the social housing and construction sectors who go above and beyond.
Why do we host this awards dinner and why is it so important?
Recognising Excellence and Inspiring Change
One of CHIP’s core commitments is to celebrating and recognising the remarkable efforts of those who are making a difference in the communities we serve. The awards dinner provides a unique opportunity to shine a spotlight on the incredible work being done by our partners, as well as the inspiring achievements of the learners we support.
We understand that people sometimes get overlooked and are deserving of recognition.
Fostering a Culture of Achievement
The CHIP Awards Dinner is not just a ceremony—it's a celebration of achievement and dedication. This year, we are thrilled to be presenting five prestigious awards:
• Apprentice of the Year – Sponsored by Inenco
• High Achiever of the Year (Above & Beyond) - Sponsorship Available
• Social Value Employer of the Year – Sponsored by Jewson Partnership Solutions
• The Ian Winslet Mentor of the Year Award – Sponsored by ARK Consultancy
• Social Value Impact Award – Sponsored by Geberit
Engaging the Community
The awards dinner serves as a gathering that brings together colleagues from the sector we all work in, to recognise and celebrate successes. It provides a platform for networking, recognition of success and a bit of fun. The money that is raised will be reinvested by CHIP to support local communities.
How You Can Get Involved
If you know someone deserving of recognition, we encourage you to nominate them for one of our awards. The nomination process is simple. It is a great opportunity to showcase the incredible contributions of your team or organisation.
CLICK HERE to submit your nomination. But be quick as the deadline is fat approaching.
For those interested in sponsoring the event or attending the awards dinner, different opportunities are available. Your support plays a crucial role in making this event a success and furthering our mission of creating positive changes in our communities.
CLICK HERE to book your individual seat(s) or sponsorship package
For more information on nominations, sponsorship packages or event registration, please visit our website. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our marketing team ( or Emma Macaulay, our Social Value Manager, for assistance (