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Click here to download the SOCIAL_HOUSING_CROSSWORD_PUZZLE.pdf

The future of social housing was prudently addressed, following a riveting conversation held by Theresa Mays former chief of staff Nick Timothy at one of our own board awaydays, back in January.

Many believe that social housing is nearing the bottom of the agenda when it comes to the implications of Brexit and is being heavily overlooked.

Arguable, the main issue that the social housing sector is going to face is the logistical changes to supply chains. With materials like timber being heavily imported from the EU, many merchants have already begun contingency planning to maintain their sustainability, and have adopted the approach of stockpiling materials; however, it’s a very temporary solution

The overcomplicating of importing materials is set to have some implications on the affordability of social homes, whether this is going to be for the good or bad of renters in the UK.

But the question is, does anyone know what they are doing? Planning for the unknown is an impossible feat in all walks of life, let alone when looking to mitigate the effects of Brexit on an entire industry.

The potential knock-on effects are endless with the immediate ones possibly the most damaging. Will we begin seeing more or less jobs in the construction industry? Half of construction workers in London come from the EU and many have already gone back to avoid being ‘stuck’.

The effects that deal or no deal Brexit could be endless from temporary purchasing alternative materials to a complete logistical change, steering away from current just in time solutions.

Going from a blanket agreement to, well, who knows what, is going to be a huge change regardless of the specifics and the social housing market is inevitably going to learn to adapt no matter what comes its way; Deal or No Deal is just the beginning of something bigger.

With every future deal coming from UK Parliament, surely our government will do what is best for UK citizens? It is no secret that the UK has been in a housing crisis for some time now with the publication of reports like the Shelter’s “vision for social housing”.

Although the UK is going Brexit crazy, there’s no need to panic. CHIC has been actively collaborating with its members / suppliers to gather intel on what is the best course of action to mitigate the amount of disruption to the supply chain. 95% of Manufacturers and Distributors have already plans in place to mitigate for a No deal vote with the large majority being determined as low risk. (Testimonial from a supplier)

CHIC has engaged with it’s supply chain to ensure that members have contingencies in place for every aspect of property maintenance requirements.

CHIC’s Merchant Services Manager (maybe change it to Supply chain manager) is of the opinion that: “The worst thing that we in the social housing industry can do right now, is to put our heads in the sand and hope that this storm will pass us by. The first thing that will be affected will be supply chains, as we see in other sectors such as the automotive industry. Arguably if housing associations engage with purchasing groups, in respect of their suppliers, trends will be noticeable which means that steps can be taken to mitigate negative effects.”

As rightly pointed out purchasing groups such as CHIC, are better positioned to notice trends in the market that individual housing associations cannot see, and this is purely down to the number of suppliers each engages. Having a pool of suppliers providing the same type of service, normally via a framework, will allow members that purchase through that group a better understanding of where the market is going.

In these trialling times, co-operation is key, and instead of we can do it better, we need to do it better together.

The question is then, what has your association done to ensure that services will not drop.

Quote from Bournville to come: - need to chase giles again today.

If you are worried about the Brexit impact on your organisation, please give us a call.

Updates from CHIC


CHIC Board Away Day

The CHIC Board met with the Senior Management Team in late February for their annual review of the Business Strategy.

CHIC has a strategy for 5 years from 2021 to 2026, so this is now mid-term. The purpose of the strategy is to ensure that CHIC continues to focus on supporting the needs and objectives of its members, as a member owned, not for profit procurement consortium.

CHIC’s Board consists primarily of member representatives who collectively keep the business focussed on sector priorities.

The Board concluded that the current strategy remains valid and focussed with key elements being:

-  Primary focused on the affordable housing sector – but respond to requirements to support others
-  Continue to provide focussed member services, to expand the support we give current members to improve the value each gets from CHIC
-  Work nationally, including in the developed nations
-  Keep providing technical and supply chain support – as a managed service
-  Recover our costs through variable transaction fees – related to the scale and complexities of the contracts we support
-  Continue to deliver direct Social Value outcomes to a value of 10% of CHIC’s fee income.


Annual Feedback Survey

CHIC would like to find out what you and your colleagues honestly think about our services and what it’s like working with us. We have asked an independent research firm (Fusion Insight & Strategy) to conduct the research on our behalf. Your individual responses will remain anonymous, so please be as frank as you can.

The research will be used to develop the services we provide and how we work with you in future.

The survey will take you no more than 5 minutes to complete and the closing date for the research is Thursday 21st March 2024. All those who take part in the research have the opportunity to enter a prize draw, the twenty winners of which will each receive a £25 Amazon e-gift voucher.

If you have not already responded to the survey, please do so now by clicking one of the links below.



CHIC Team Meeting

The team met in Birmingham recently for its regular 6 weekly team meeting to review how we are progressing in support of our members. We use the opportunity to provide strategic direction, take a dive into operational performance and review personal development.

We had great presentations from two of our newer team members. Rupal Bhojani, Catalogue Manager within the supply chain team, discussed the proposed Clean Heat Market Mechanism (CHMM). Administered by the Environmental Agency, the Government aid the UK in targeting 600k heat pumps to be installed annually by 2028 in its commitment to achieving Net Zero CO2 emissions, bringing many concerns and challenges for manufacturers.

We closed with a presentation from Adrian Hussain, our Head of Member Services (East), who delved into the procurement life cycle from an asset managers perspective, using examples from his previous roles working for local authority assets teams.

New and improved CHIC CHAT

You may have noticed that our monthly newsletter has received a makeover. Celebrating its 3 year anniversary, we thought it was time to give it a new look and feel, to better optimise your reading experience. We hope that you like the new look and we welcome your feedback. 


Upcoming Events


Procurement Updates

CHIC Procurement Activity

CHIC remains committed to meeting the evolving needs of our members and adapting to market demands by consistently introducing and updating frameworks. This proactive approach ensures that we provide tailored solutions and stay aligned to industry trends, ultimately enhancing the value we offer to our stakeholders.

The CHIC Healthy Homes Framework is currently undergoing evaluation, with the notice award expected in April 2024. Evaluation is also underway for the CHIC Legal Services Framework, with an anticipated award in June 2024.

Several other framework procurements are planned within the next 12-18 months, including for Planned Works (Phase 1), Fire Doors, Temporary Fire Alarms and Active Fire. If you would like further details about when these frameworks are to be published, please contact CHIC’s Head of Partnerships Mike Harris (


Procurement Act 2023: Ensuring Compliance and Knowledge

The CHIC procurement team keeps up to date on legislative changes affecting Public Procurement, to ensure the delivery of knowledgeable and compliant solutions. Recent updates include knowledge drop videos which are now accessible for Suppliers and Contracting Authorities to acquaint themselves with the new Procurement Act 2023. As well as informing the CHIC Procurement Team to remain informed, these are also a great tool for our members and supply chain partners. They can be accessed at:

Online eLearning Modules are set to be released in April 2024 for all Contracting Authorities, aiming to educate them about the upcoming changes in preparation for the Go-Live date of October 2024. The CHIC Procurement Team is committed to reviewing these new modules as they become available.

The learning and development team at the Government Commercial College has established a "Community of Practice (CoP)" for the Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) programme. This will serve as a platform for sharing, learning, and collaborating among procurement, commercial, and commissioning professionals affected by the new procurement regime in their public sector organisations.

If you have any questions about the Procurement Act, please get in touch with Sam Domican at

Gaining Deeper Sector Insights

Key takeaways from Government Property Tech 24 and Proptech 24

In the dynamic and ever changing landscape of housing and construction, staying updated on regulatory shifts is crucial for CHIC, to be able to deliver effective support and guidance to its members. Participating in industry events provides opportunities for gaining a fresh perspective, fostering collaboration and enhancing our skills.

By actively engaging in these events, the CHIC team not only widens its own expertise but also strengthens the ability to provide members with informed guidance through our managed service, ensuring adherence to regulations and excellence in procurement practices.

We recently attended the Government Property Tech and Proptech 24 Conference which took place in a wet Westminster and CHIC’s Chris Brockwell, a recently appointed Head of Member Services, gave his feedback from the event, responding to some questions from our Marketing team:

What is your general feedback on the conference and did anything stand out to you?

“The conference was well organised and having both events at the same venue provided a comprehensive coverage of topics. The range of exhibitors was commendable and the content was relevant to the challenges faced by Registered Providers and government buildings.”

What were your key takeaways from each event?

“Several key points emerged. Firstly, The Government strategy for transforming places and achieving a smaller green estate sets to improve professional insight and excellence, showcasing the scale and breadth of the challenges ahead.

Strategic Asset Management Planning (SAMP) emerged as a vital objective to address the challenges faced by Asset Managers and Surveyors of RPs’ in adapting to new regulations, roles, and capacity requirements. By providing a structured framework and strategic guidance, SAMP offers valuable assistance in navigating these complexities and achieving desired outcomes effectively.

Additionally, discussions on achieving Net Zero underscored the urgency of addressing climate change, with stark figures being shared by Equans, revealing the UK's current temperature exceeded expectations by upwards of 1.5%.

Finally, the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence on building design, workforce roles and planning processes emphasised the need for adaptation and innovation in the sector."

Government Proptech 24 conference?

“The variety of topics always intrigues me on the quantity and variety of tasks and challenges RPs’ are faced with using Data and reducing silos.  The technology that is required to help manage and deliver excellent services is vast. Various speakers examined the journey from service inception to delivery, including customer engagement, many covering the benefits of early engagement. 

Building safety was covered by Charlotte Spencer with her many responsibilities for the DLUHC and 3D mapping, showing how this has evolved to 4th generation tech.

Lastly the customer engagement piece was of special interest, as at the heart of what we do is to serve the residents and listen to what their needs are”.

Did anyone particularly stand out with their presentation?

“A number did – in particular Karl Lambert's presentation on ‘Understanding the New Paradigm for managing the built environment’ stood out. His compelling insights into climate issues and their impact on the built environment elicited strong reactions from the audience, highlighting the urgency of embracing technology and AI to stay ahead in the sector."

Did anything surprise you or change your feelings about a certain subject or issue?

"The events confirmed my thoughts on the extent the sector is lagging behind others in achieving Net Zero and what we REALLY need to do regarding heating and cooling. Speakers emphasised the importance of adopting a multi-faceted approach to Net Zero, dividing efforts into quick wins, mid-term and long-term strategies. This approach allows for immediate, tangible outcomes through simple yet impactful actions, such as reducing energy consumption through EPC reductions. The availability of innovative solutions, like heat-reflective paints capable of reducing heat by 45%, highlights the feasibility of making significant strides toward Net Zero goals."

How will learning from this event help you to support CHIC members' requirements?

"The insights on Government strategies, asset management, net-zero initiatives and technology integration directly address our members' challenges. Understanding the urgency of achieving Net Zero targets and embracing emerging technologies is crucial. Additionally, prioritising customer engagement highlights the importance of ensuring resident satisfaction. Incorporating these takeaways equips CHIC to bridge the gap between asset strategy and operational delivery, ensuring tailored support for our members."

More about CHIC’s Managed Service

CHIC is a not for profit organisation offering compliant routes to market for RP and Public Sector professionals through Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Solutions which enable better outcomes and deliverability. Multiple services are provided, with compliant and monitored supply chain partners to meet the needs required. Please see

CHIC’s senior leadership and membership services teams are asset managers first, not just procurement specialists.

We support members to identify the best solutions for their particular needs, then manage the contractor or supplier selection with them through to the award of contract. Unlike other consortia, CHIC then provides ongoing support services (as little or as much as is required) to ensure that the selected contract or service runs smoothly.

Over the years, CHIC has expanded its geographic coverage and now has products and services that can be utilised by its members across all parts of the UK. Members requirements can differ based on geographical location; our regional Members Services Representative will work to understand their members local issues and requirements to propose the best solutions for them.


Supply Chain Updates


Professionals in the social housing sector are always in search of innovative showering products that meet the needs of residents as the housing market faces ongoing changes. These include water scarcity, with forecasts that the total water demand will start to exceed supply in England no later than 2034, and rising household energy prices.

Since April 2022, gas and electricity prices have been one of the largest contributors to the overall inflation rate, with gas rising by 32% and electricity increasing by 17% in 2023. Additionally, despite gas prices decreasing in October 2023, water prices have increased by 10% in England.

Residents now more than ever need support to reduce water usage and one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to do this is by swapping to a water saving shower head.

At Methven, we understand that reducing water consumption can have huge money and energy impact saving implications – but this must not come at the expense of performance.

Our shower heads are designed to reduce water usage, while lowering gas consumption related to heating the water used.

Our Water Saving Calculator estimates that a Methven shower head which operates at 6 litres per minute can reduce the energy bill for a family of four by £400 plus per year.

As well as the cost benefits, our technology not only enhances the shower experience but also aids decarbonisation by significantly reducing CO2 emissions.

These savings offer environmental benefits and financial advantages for both housing providers and residents. In addition to water-saving shower heads, we have recently introduced the Avoca range, featuring the Cold Start Avoca Basin Mixer, optimised for efficiency at 4 litres per minute. Once again, this is an example of a product innovation aimed to reduce the amount of water used in the bathroom, as well as carbon.

As housing regulation bodies such as the Welsh Housing Standards Authority create benchmarks for sustainability such as the requirement for refurbished properties and new builds to run at 3.5 litres out of a basin tap or a kitchen sink mixer tap, we look forward to making even greater strides to achieving this once such standards inevitably become the norm.

Across the UK, electric shower heaters are the primary products used for showering. Our efforts in advancing decarbonisation and facilitating energy savings for social housing providers also involve providing thermostatic bath shower mixers. These mixers not only offer cheaper operational costs compared to electric showers but also boast lower installation and maintenance expenses. Additionally, with TMV2 approval, these mixers ensure safe family showering, unlike standard electric shower heaters. Thermostatic showers operate at a 5.5-litre water flow rate, resulting in potential savings of over £90 on both expenses and installation times for residents.

We are passionate about helping social housing providers decarbonise their housing stock and in doing so help residents reduce their bills and environmental impact, without having to compromise on performance.

To find out more, visit our website:

Social Value through

Over recent years the procurement landscape has changed dramatically. Aside from considering qualitative and financial proposals, we now must ensure that there are also positive economic, social and environmental impacts secured through the procurement process and then delivered in the communities in which we work.

Gone are the days where we add ‘additional benefits to the local community’ into the work we deliver, where our focus must now be on how we support communities and how we have a positive impact on people’s lives. For example, these range from standalone acts of volunteering and charitable fundraising, to reducing the effects of, and improving, issues such as poverty, crime, health and wellbeing, education and skills, and jobs – that’s a lot of impact to be generated!

Through CHIC’s procurement processes tenderers must offer their own plans for social value delivery through contracts. These offer a wide range of ideas that can be implemented through frameworks.  CHIC has recently been procuring multiple replacement and new frameworks and I, amongst others, have been reviewing the social value proposals being promoted by a whole range of supply chain organisations. 

The scope of work that is both being offered and already being delivered through contracts with CHIC’s members is incredible, where commitments to deliver effective social value programmes are clearly becoming more and more integral to the work we are all doing.  In addition, the ways in which such programmes are thought through, and ultimately delivered, is testament to the evolving understanding behind our joint commitment to be adding ‘social value’ through the work we all deliver together.

It has been rewarding for me to review tenders offered by some of the smallest organisations that clearly understand the need to have a positive impact on communities through the work they carry out, where their understanding of generating social value is clear.  Conversely, it has also been an eye-opener to see that some of the biggest companies still don’t have a fully developed or integrated social value offer; this perhaps reflects the challenge of cultural change in larger organisations.  Although we are seeing fantastic initiatives and programmes with measurable impact, there is clearly still some work to do!

Good procurement provides us with opportunities to design social value objectives which are relevant to specific priorities and to implement these objectives into contracts in ways which have real impact and are measurable.  The more we get this right at tender stage, the better these outcomes will become and so the communities we represent should all benefit from enhanced outcomes.

I really look forward to working with our current and new framework partners as they deliver their social value provisions under CHIC Call Off Contracts.